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Hello, and welcome to my Good Charlotte site! This is a site for anyone who is a fan of GC, anyone who listens to thier cds, goes to thier concerts, buys thier stuff, wears thier clothing, and anyone who loves the band as much as I do. You don't need to be 'punk' to be here, you can be 13, 14, or 15. I don't care, and that doesn't matter. Just love GC for what they are and what they do. Enjoy :)

Alright this is a new look for the site, and a new layout and everything and to do this I had to delete all the old pages and start all over again. So please be patient with me as I try to re-construct the site. I'll go as fast as I can, really I will. I want the site to be better than it used to be. And you guys can help. If you have anything on GC, pics, quotes, news, anything you made, anything, you can e-mail me and let me know and I'll put it up and give you full credit, the whole deal. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks guys.


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3/26/04 - Dont know if you noticed but i havent updated. And well I probably wont for a while. Busy with other stuff. No I'm not shutting the site down, but you wont see any new stuff for a while. ie...

2/24/04 - Still working on the Benji galleries.

2/23/04 - I agreed to design a website for the band Smiling Defience. Wooo!! How exciting is that. Once I make it I'll post a link. That wont be right away though because well you cant do a whole website in a day.

2/22/04 -More Galleries!?! YES. The Paul gallery is up now. Up next...THE BENJI GALLERY! Ahh the excitment is killing me. But the Benji gallery is the biggest one, so it'll take a bit longer then the Paul and Billy galleries. Paul Gallery

2/20/04 - Guess what...THE BILLY GALLERY IS UP!!! WOOO! Go and see Billy in all his....Billyness. Billy Gallery

2/20/04 - NEWS. Yes, there's a ton new News. Go check it out.

2/19/04 - What up what up. Alright I added a ton of Joel quotes and Benji quotes, go check those out. And the whole thing with our host..ya they still suck. BUT I fixed it as best I could. It's letting me update again, so thats a plus. I'm going to do the news page, because I have a TON of news so that should be up tonight.

2/10/04 - Warped Tour motherfuckers. GC are playing like 10 dates I think. See for dates. And go to Warped for tickets. Good luck everyone! I'm off to try to get tickets.

2/3/04 - Well it's official. My host SUCKS. ya, you hear me. alright see I cant change any page thats already up. I can add new ones, like the other bands page, but now that it's up I cant edit it. I cant add any new quotes, I cant add News, nothing. So I'm trying to figure out wtf is going on. just fyi. updates are going nowhere for a while.

2/2/04 - Ok, Other Bands page is up. Yay.

1/27/04 - Alright. You know what? I'm sick of people making fun of GC. How many of you got the newest AP magazine? GC won in the polls for almost every category that involved sellouts, posers, bad music videos, bad music, band that should hang it up, worst magazine issue, worst band name, making fun of GC with gay questions, worst fashion, and stuff along those lines. What the fuck people. You dont have to like thier music, but cant you at least respect them for what they do? They write good music, at least give them respect as musicians. God. People disgust me. So I made this. Just for those people. And on another topic, Joel has a new hairdo. Check out Joel Madden for pics.

P.S. GC did get some love in AP, Benji was picked in 'Celebrity I most want to Fuck.' No Joke. Hey, I have to agree. And I don't hate AP, no, I love this magazine, it's awesome. I simply hate small-minded haters.

1/21/04 - I added a bunch of new wallpapers, some awesome Joel ones from Joel Madden and one more from GC Circle Enjoy.

1/18/04 -Well I was bored and made these ....I was bored, ok? well they amused me at least. And this. What is it? I'm not sure either.

1/7/04 - Why do I bother. I say I can get those goddam galleries up and I never do. It could be a month or two guys. Just to let you know. I'm wicked busy, and I just dont have time. I honestly apologize but there isnt anything I can do about it. So just wanted to announce it could be a good month before I update again. Sorry, enjoy what I have and go look at a better site. Bye guys.

12/31/03 - Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm coming back from vacation on the Saturday after New Years, and then I'm going to once and for all get those gosh darn galleries up. I know people have been asking about them, and dont worry, I have lots and lots of pictures, and I'll get them up as soon as I can. And have a Happy New Year guys.

12/25/03 - I made a new ATR Quotes Page. Check it out here

12/25/03 - Happy Holidays everyone :)

12/22/03 - Sorry about the lack of updates, but I'm dealing with a lot of shit in my life right now so there wont be any for a bit. I'm really sorry guys.

12/14/03 - Alright I'm still working on the TV page, and so until I finish I'm putting up a link to a shedule of when GC's on TV thanks to VH1. It's an awesome site, it puts every show GC will be on and updates every day. So enjoy that guys.

12/9/03 - Still working on the TV Page.

12/7/03 - Ok the downloads page is up and so far we only have Aim Icons and Wallpapers, but I'm wrking on making more stuff. I also updated the ATR page, and yes, it's true folks. Benji and Joel have quit ATR. This is a sad day.

12/5/03 - Alright. Here's whats going on. I haven't been updating lately. There are reasons that I wont bore you all with. I just wanted to say my next mission is to friggin get the TV page done. And the galleries are just an ongoing never-ending project. Alright so I just wanted to let you all know I've stopped slacking off and the TV page will be up soon. "Hi I'm Joel, and I'm an encyclopedia." -Benji.

11/27 - Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

11/26 - Well I wanted to tell you all that for now I can't add any new pages, like the galleries or anything because, as I mentioned on the downloads page, the program I use to make graphics hasn't been working since my computer crashed. I'm working on getting it fixed, please be patient with me. Thanks guys, I appriciate it.

11/25 - Ok, the downloads page is kinda up...we only have wallpaper and aim icons. more to come. dont worry. p.s. it's my birthday!! wooo! haha. oh and GC are on the cover of the January issue of Alt Press. There's a pic Here. "We belong to our fans." -Joel

11/24/03 - Crash With Good Charlotte On MTV This Weekend! MTV's "Crashing With Good Charlotte" premieres this Saturday 11/29 at 12:00pm; and repeats Sunday 11/30 at 11:00pm, Monday 12/1 at 12:30am, and Tuesday 12/2 at 12:30pm. This is a show you won't want to miss I just got that in an e-mail from the GC website. So make sure and watch that guys. I made a wallpaper too, look at that Here. And I added a bunch of awesome new official concert pics. theyre wicked sweet. and tomorrow i can do the galleries and downloads page. woo!

11/23/03 - Alright, I know I've been slacking off lately and I apologize. I got a crapload of new official concert pics, they're wicked sweet and I can add them tomorrow. And I'm working extra hard on getting all the galleries back up. Hang in there guys.

11/20/03 - Wee'rrreee baaaAAAack!!!!! haha yes, I have figured out the problem and everything is settles and we'll be problem free for a long time. Alright and we got the concert page up. woo! go check it out, lots of fun.

11/20/03 - Ok I uploaded all the pics from the TRL show, including some of the Hold On video. These are some great pics, check them ok Here And sorry bout the concert page. Almost done. Tomorrow is friday so I can finish it then. And I'll have some better pics of the TRL show tomorrow as well.

11/12/03 - Wow. I just saw GC on TRL to premier thier Hold On Video. This is an amazing video, it's so well done and really really powerful. I took pics and they'll be up tomorrow, as soon as I figure how to upload off this camera. Oh and I'm almost done with the concert page, it'll be up tomorrow as well.

11/11/03 - Ok got the ECT page up, so far there are only 4 things on that page but more are coming. With the release of our video "Hold On" we wanted to write a note to tell you how much this video means to us and how important life is. We have lost some close friends to suicide and it has affected just about everyone we know. Everyday we read letters from fans saying that the stress of life, the pressure with family, and losing love is too much to bear. We want to say that you may feel alone but you are not. So many have gone through the same thing and reaching out is a sign of strength not weakness. Life will get better and life is worth living even if it seems unbearable right now. It's our goal that this video gives hope to our fans that have reached out to us, and maybe it will reach some who don't know us. Even if it is just one person, if it makes a difference in their life it was worth the time, effort, and money it took to make. Life is not something we feel anyone should give up on. Once again we will always thank our fans for being a part of this and making this happen, thanks for giving us a chance -- Joel Madden.

11/11/03 - Alright I'm working on the ECT page, and since I have today off from school I think I can get it done. And I just wanted to tell everyone that the GC DVD is now on sale at, you can pre-order it and it's set to release on Nov. 18. Click here to pre-order it. Also to remind you guys that GC will be on TRL tomorrow to premier thier video for Hold On.

11/7/03 - Ok screw the last update. Major issues with my host. this is weeked now though so i have time to starigten this out, sorry for the delay guys.

11/7/03 - Ok the link/affiliates page is up and running. If you'd like me to link to you, just drop me an e-mail and I'll add you right away. Now I'm working on the Ect... Page, I'll let you know when it's done, probably will be up by late tonight.

11/6/03 - Here is the new layout, brought to you by GC and by Kute A big thank you to them for helping out. And the site isn't totally up and running yet, but I was sick of waiting. So here it is. The galleries aren't up yet, I'm having a lot of problems with them, seeing as I'm using a program written by a freind to make them. But anyways, here's the new setup: we still have the bio's, quotes, and ATR the same, GC on TV isn't up, it's a whole new section, any media will go there: tv shows they're been on, interviews, articles, ect. And now there's an Other Bands section, where I'll show you guys some other kick ass bands that I love. (that isn't up either) Oh and The Conert Oct. 2003 is where I'm going to put pics I took myself of the show I went to and official pics from concert's they've done on this tour. And anything else that isn't on the main menu is under Ect. Enjoy! Oh ya and there is new News and I'll update as soon as I can, fixing everything and getting them working, and the galleries will probably be up last, but it's worth the wait. And some of you might have noticed a few weeks ago I sent some pics I took myself of the TRL they were on lately to the rest of those pics and pics of other shows I've taken will be going up under GC on TV soon. :)

Spend your lazy, endless crazy, days inside my head...
