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Thoughtful Anger
University Life
Funny Stuff

January 23: SOOO BORED TODAY. I'm pretty much all caught up on my reading, (which is rare cause there so damn much of it), and all I'm doing now is waiting for my dad to come and pick me up so he can take me home so I can FINALLY see my friends after two long weeks. And that was only Alix and Erin...I haven't seen anyone else is like, 3 weeks. Wow...long time. But tonight should be a lot of fun. I added an inspiration section with quotes from my favorite people, Einstien, Shakespeare, etc. Read up homeys.

January 19: Things are looking somewhat better since I've been back at school. Everyone's more settled in, and in less of a mood to party it seems, but that can sometimes be a good thing. For example, I may actually get some stuff done now. I think I have a new idea for my next Thoughtful Anger section too. You'll just have to wait and see I guess. Aint I a stinker. awwwwwww, not really. What is a stinker anyways? Someone who stinks? Cause I'm not that. In fact I smell nice right now. Anyways, enough of this time wasting foolery. Look around. Take Care.

January 15th:'s been a while. Christmas is over and I'm back at school. From now on updates once a week. Yup, so expect this site to actually have something worth looking at now than these stupid little journal entries. Anyways, goo times, check some stuff out. LOTS of updates. Cya. :D

December 7th: Yah, so a few days ago was my 19th birthday. Wow...I'm almost not a teenager anymore. I think it's time for a 1/4 life crisis. That might be happening...hmm...I don't feel different. Anyways, enough of my time-wasting foolishness. Yah so, bad. It's been a while, but I really planned to start up this website after the semester was over, so don't expect the site to be fully up and operational until at least January 8th. Sorry for all people who even check this poorly constructed site....awwww..... Yah, so check back in the new year I suppose. Merry Christmas to everyone! YAY CHRISTMAS. Giving is fun....anyways, thanks everybody for a good guys went to a lot of trouble, so thanks everyone. Take Care.