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Wallpapers | About Me & Slideshow | Manga & Icons | Ferryhalim Games | Animated Gifs


to my site! Sign my Guestbook and look around. Enjoy the music! If you can, e-mail me about anything except for mean things! It's may take awhile before people find out that my site exists. ~Jisushika

Entries & Updates

April 18, 2003 I'll add more tommorow, Cause i got the whole week off...yay! even though there are links, some of them aren't finished: Gallery and About Me & Slideshow. The slideshow is like based on the two characters i created on paint (from accessories), Akita and Ikumi. So when you watch it, you can bring some popcorn wit you...hehe, ok, forget the popcorn, but watch the slideshow will only take less than a minute to watch cause it's really short (10 slides). Just be sure to wait for it to load., haven't made plans about it yet. eep...somebody's mad...gotta go

April 19, 2003

Everything's done except for Gallery...o well i didn't really have much time to put it on today. It was Cristina's B-day, so i decided to take a day off. Whoo! I'm like addicted to making websites because they're fun but it takes work...I might be adding a little ad at the top just for fun onto the site... I found a little section for making your own ad skin so then i thought, "Ah, why not?". It's only a color to match the site. you can find it at the top of the page. I added a Page-hit counter...right below the links above the poll. It could be a link...but i wish it weren't. If you're making a website too, click on it and the site will give you plenty of anime counters to choose from. Ack...REALLY tired from the party...aughh........we were on that moonwalk thing where you jump alot inside it and there was nothing else to do so i went inside and jumped around while the little kids were screaming in my ear. hehe it's so peaceful and quiet now.....

April 20, 2003

Happy Easter to all of you who celebrate it!! Went to a BBQ party today. Added a part where you enter here.

to see what it looks like. Oh, and if you're brave enough, IM me at jisushika64. I use AIM.

April 21, 2003

Gone to buy an evening gown for a wedding...and accessories too. It's such a perty dress! My neckalace is soo sparkly. Decided to delete Gallery. I'm replacing it with Animated Gifs!

April 22, 2003

Happy Earth Day! Perfected 'About me & slideshow' and added more animated gifs. If you haven't noticed, the pics at the left are only animated gifs if it's a special event. Didn't do my homework! 2 projects due.

April 23, 2003

*whistles* Exploring through the wonders of junk in my room...actually i gotta do some huge cleaning in my room. I'm thinking whether i should add another slide show...maybe longer maybe shorter than 10 slides, and whether i should make a new site. IF i do, i'll make sure there's a link you can go through to get there something wrong with the guestbook forum and the link to animated gifs too? Naw, nevermind it just doesn't work on preview mode, lol.

April 24, 2003

Hey ppl, just to let you know, no more journal entries here...but they ARE continuing on my next page..

<bgsound src="Yu_Yu_Hakusho_-_Dead_or_Alive.mp3" loop=infinite>
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