24 Characters With Names (incomplete list) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CIA/CTU Victor Rovner-- transmitted from Kuala Lumpor about Palmer hit...knocking heard on his door. Agent Richard Walsh--gave Jack key card, said Jamey could be trusted, killed at Dunlop Plaza Scott Baylor-- CTU analyst--killed(?) at Dunlop Plaza shootout, gave keycard to Walsh, said Jamey could be trusted,(according to Walsh) Jack Bauer -- Special Agent in Charge, Los Angeles Domestic Unit, CTU Every episode Nina Myers, Jack’s chief-of-staff at CTU...Jack's girlfriend when he and Teri were separated. Tony Almeida -- CTU agent, Nina's boyfriend now Jamey Farrell -- CTU computer specialist...bad girl George Mason -- District Director. Jack shot him in the leg with a tranq dart. Milo Pressman -- outside contractor, computer specialist Bob Ellis -- knowledgable about Operation Nightfall, contacted by Jack and Sen Palmer in New Orleans (cellphone). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bauer Bunch Jack Bauer -- Special Agent in Charge, Los Angeles Domestic Unit, CTU Every episode Teri Bauer -- Jack's wife Kimberly Bauer -- Jack's daughter ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Palmer Pack Senator David Palmer -- presidential candidate Sherry Palmer -- wife Keith Palmer -- son Nicole Palmer -- daughter Patty Brooks -- campaign manager Mike Novick -- chief of staff Jessica Abrams -- press assistant George Ferragamo -- Keith's therapist Irma? -- campaign worker Edward Johnson -- Keith's alias, used at the hospital after he manslaughtered LG Rachel and Susie Brenner -- Nicole's friends from high school, flying out to LA for victory dinner. Maureen Kingsley -- network reporter, wants to break story about Keith's involvement in Gibson's death Carl -- sneaky backroom political player Phil Tuttle -- Palmer's financial backer Frank Ames -- Palmer's financial backer, told Palmer about Tuttle and Jorgensen wanting Ferragamo taken care of permanently. Bob Jorgensen -- Palmer's financial backer Secret Service Agent Aaron Pierce -- Palmer body guard in charge Secret Service Agent Alan Hayes -- Jack grabbed his gun at San Clarita. Secret Service Agent Frank Simes -- has Jack in custody after attempt on Palmer. Frank Miller -- Jack called to get clearance to Palmer's breakfast -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gaines Gang Ira Gaines -- bad guy, works for Drazen brothers Mandy -- had sex with Belkin on Flight 221, before stealing his ID and blowing up the plane. Bridgit -- Mandy's girlfriend, killed by Jonathon (snipered) Eli -- low-life thug of Gaines, wants to rape Kim, Teri offered herself, got his cellphone Penticoff -- at 18166 San Fernando Road, jailbreak assisted by Jack Rick -- kidnapped Kim and Janet, (with Dan), got promoted when Gaines killed Dan Dan -- kidnapped Kim and Janet, (with Rick). got shot and killed by Gaines for lying about Janet's death Jonathan -- assassin, transformed by plastic surgery to look like Belkin Charles McLemore -- one of the thugs sent to get Kevin and Teri...identified self as CTU Kevin Carroll -- posed as Alan York Joe -- one of Gaines' goons "Joe, where'sEli?" Maxton -- thug Neil -- goon, Jack got his radio during the compound escape. Patterson -- lowlife Ted Cofell -- handled the money from Drazen to Gaines. Tracy -- Ted's receptionist -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drazens Andre Drazen -- Serbian who hired Gaines Alexis Drazen -- Andre's brother, hitman, killed Kevin Carroll Victor Drazen -- Father of A and A, supposedly assassinated in Operation Nightfall. He's alive! Mishko Suba -- hitman Jovan Myovic -- hitman --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Larry Rogow -- a male prostitute Rocco -- a pimp talking on a cell phone, which was used by Kim to call Teri. Martin Belkin -- a foreign photographer, killed in plane bombing. His ID used by Jonathon Jessie Hampton -- black lady cop, killed by Penticoff at 18166 San Fernando Road. Phillips -- Jessie Hampton's partner. Jack started a fight with him and got his key card and gave it to Penticoff, who escaped. Lauren Proctor -- waitress -- carjacked by Jack after his daring escape from secret service custody. Alan York -- body in trunk. Janet's father Janet York -- Kimberly's friend, had arm broke by Dan, was ran over by a car, and asphixiated by Kevin "Alan York" Carroll. Mrs. Vaquez-- Jamey Farrell's mother ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Named but unseen characters Phillipe Darcet -- convicted heroin dealer--Mason skimmed money from his bust Ryan Sealy -- "at district", cleared Jack to interrogate Penticoff Lyle Gibson -- raped Nicole Palmer 7 years ago Hodges -- Palmer's primary opponent in the California presidential primary Nowrasteh -- owner of furniture store where Dan worked Isaac -- CTU worker Maria -- CTU worker