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John Nicholson

July 24, 2003

English 101

Mr. Peagler



            Since September 11th 2001, the need for homeland security has increased significantly.  With over 95,000 miles of coastline and 361 ports, the possibility of a terrorist attack on the U.S. coastline is a very real danger.  Since 1790, the United States Coast Guard has been the primary agency in charge of enforcing our laws at sea, saving lives, and protecting our coastline and ports. 

            Since being made a part of President Bush’s Homeland Security Task Force, the Coast Guard now has a revived mission to protect U.S. soil.  Backing this mission is a barrage of new funding, technology and techniques to strengthen their resolve. 

A Revived Mission

            “On the morning of September11, 2001, less than 5 percent of the Coast Guard’s resources were assigned to port and coastal security duties,” said Vice Adm. Terry Cross, Coast Guard Pacific Area commander, in an interview with Popular Mechanics.  “By the end of that grim week that number had risen tenfold.”  Cross continued.  The homeland security mission is not new to the United States Coast Guard, it is simply more visible since the attacks on the World Trade Center towers in 2001. 

New Funding

New Technology

New Techniques