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Welcome To Anna's

August 13th, 2005
Hey! so i made a new layout, which is a modification of the expressive_layout on xanga. i just tweaked it to make it website friendly... okay well i am still looking to do another friends page, so please email me ( if you want a friends page...even if i don't know you! haha! love always, Anna
June 6th, 2005
Hehe...about that whole updating a lot thing... well it's finals week at my school, which means school will be out soon! which means more updating. i pinky swear. Now i did update the about me page (if you care) and i added natalie's page. wooohooo! i have two friends now! seriously if you want one email me! i don't care if i don't know you, just tell me a little bit about yourself! ( Toodles! Heart, Anna
May 11th, 2005
I totally haven't updated at all! Sorry been really busy con confirmation and my family was over, plus the play, and other such things like the bright eyes concert (tomorrow). Anyways, i'll work on it when i can, probablly next week. also if you want a page like erica's page, ask for one seriously, i don't want to have to beg, it just looks really dumb when i have a whole box for friends and i only have one. okay bye, Anna
APril 20th 2005
Okay so, I updated Erica's Page, which she needs to update, but that's a different issue. I hope to have all my pages updated with the new format by next weekend. Pages to look out for: blinkies, about me, bandit (i'm going to resise the pagina!) Toodles!
APril 18th 2005
Hey guys! I'm working on some new formatting at the moment! Soon I'll have everything back up and running, and i am extremely sorry if some of the links don't work!

About Me
Bandit's Page
Good Reads

Blinkie Page

My Friends
Erica's Page
Natalie's Page