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Good Charlotte Screamer is no more. I haven't the time nor the energy to continue a site for this band. Benji, Joel, Billy, Paul, and Chris are all extremely talented, wonderful people, but I can't do this forever. The updates have obviously been few and far apart in the last few months, and I figured its time for me to close this place up for good. I'm going to leave all of the content on here, so feel free to enter if you'd still like to view it. I have a feeling very few people still visit this site, but I'm just letting you know now that I won't be doing that either. Thanks for everything: everyone who helped me, everyone who visited, and most importantly to Good Charlotte for making music that inspired me to work this hard. Don't forget to go purchase the third album when it comes out later this summer, because burning the CD from your friend is as good as stealing from the band.

hits since 12/02

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