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Mike Nabinger : Vocals & Guitar
Andrew Krause : Bass & Vocals
Mike Johnson : Drums
Jesse Gallo : Guitar


we're experiencing some weird techincal difficulty stuff .. i really dont know whats up .. we'll have a new site .. or things will be fixed for you shortly!


posting from the band room

sitting in school now, figured id take this as a time to post just so that it looks cool because im posting from the band rooms computer, the supposed worst computer in the school. thats really it, im done

I ask you fine people for a favor - when you visit the site, if you could please sign the guestbook. it just lets us know we're reaching people, and that people think we're cool. thanks

NEW, its really just the same site, it just has a fancy opening page that Gallo drew. put it in your profile if you would, gotta advertise.

Brot Day Tuesday

on Tuesday, June 10th, the worlds first brot day was celebrated(as far as we know, if there already is one done tell us, itd take all the fun out). but we encourage all fans of the band, well fans is pushing it, we'll call all of you people who just know who we are. but yeah, all of you who know who we are, we ask that on the second tuesday of every month you light up your grill and celebrate brot day. we are hoping that this catches on and becomes bigger and bigger and perhaps someday it will be celebrated nationwide, if not worldwide. this is a great day to eat brotwurst and do nothing because its a holliday, and it dosent have to be on the calendar to be a holliday, in fact we encourage all to make up a holliday. when the school asks why you werent there you say because "i was celebrating plastic fork day and it was against my religion to be in school". see, a good time can be had by all. thats about it.

June 8th

There are pictures in the Band Pics section from Saturday's [June 7th] practice and something from Sunday. One of the pictures accompanies Wade in place of Nabinger as you will see by the sign. There's also a picture of johnson with his broken stick. look where it broke, its crazy. There's the broken stick collection on the wall and the logo type thingness on the wall as well. Everything else are just the guys. now go look *chop chop*


updates on the site-6-5-03

the interveiws are finnaly up, it is a good day. gallos is by far the most offensive to the most amount of people so dont mind him. but uh yeah, we're practicing on part of saturday and all day sunday and pictures are going to get taken then. therefore, pictures will not be up by saturday, id say more like monday night. thats really all for right now, and julia, remember to put the old posts in the updates archive thing or whatever its called. thanks. so yeah, im done, so go away.


Update From Nabinger

After talking to Johnson today about music, it seems that the whole band is on the same page!!! We have decided how to build the foundation of the band and now have to just do it! It has taken me almost a year and a half to get to this point...and its only the beginning. We're still a little shakey playing together as a band but will come together as one in no time. Good news when it comes to gigs also. Ms. Richlin informed me today that there will be a second AND third 'coffee house' at BRHS as an AIDS fundraiser. (One in the summer and one in the fall) Although these will be more laid back and in an acoustic environment, hopefully our true talent will show as we play the roots of our music. Amanda Donato has offered us a Labor Day gig (....mind you, that is in SEPTEMBER!) and Veronica Pakit has agreed to has us perform at her parties during this summer. It doesn't seem much for a band but I believe this is a perfect start to the band. Enough blabbering for one post. Hopefully, we'll have pics up by Saturday!!!

Don't do milk and drink your drugs
