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This site has not gone live yet!8)

Welcome To The NEW Hog Site! The site hasn't went live yet so if ya know this address. Consider yourself lucky. I havent given it to anyone at the moment. It will probaly remain unseen until I have finished it in its entirety. Barnes


Hey Hog Heads, sorry for the lack of updates, the band has been hard at work on several new projects. Brother Cloud was in attendance at the Dodge City Fest meeting and talking with the fans and promoting the album. Thanks to everyone who picked up a c.d. and or video. Expect Hog to return to the stage in the near future with new doom grooves and old Hog favorites. There are two shows in the works as of now, one is at a metal fest in Huntsville, and one is with local buds Selling Mary. In addition, Brother Cloud has had his hands full planning the 3rd annual Rebel Heart Music Festival, so keep your eyes on this site for updates on these and other developments. Ride Free Hog Mountin


Hey folks. Hog has played a few badass rockin shows here and there. I've been so busy lately that i haven't updated. But I am workin on a much better website. Our record gotta a pretty cool review. That is the link. Our protest against Bobby still stands (Yeah Coge). And we will be takin it easy for a while so Judd can become a daddy. Wont be long before Hog will be 1 year old (yeah). Stay tuned for the new website though. I'm plannin it well. I would also like to add The Boiler Room In B'ham is now Closed for good. Thanx Drew for havin us there. Later for now.


well,well, youve probably heard through ye ole grapevine by now, there was a bit of turmoil at last saturdays Hog show. Its a long story and I seem to have some sort of a brain cell defishunsea, but it basicly came down to a dead rat, a stupid fourteen-year-old bitch, one forty-year-old short bus ridin muthafucka, a cop, and a civic center employee on a powertrip with her head up her ass. We decided we would no longer be graceing the c.c.c. with Hog brand doom and headed to the boneyard (and took about 95% of the audience with us) where we played one of our best shows and literally brought the roof down right on Justin Hogs head (sorry Justin). We have also heard rumors that we have broken up, THIS IS NOT TRUE. We are however gearing down and wont be playing as many shows over the next few months to get ready for the newwest addition to the cult (brother clouds son) and to start working on material for the new e.p., "THE HARVEST TEMPLE" which will include the title track, that some of you have heard, and our cover of the Black Sabbath classic "Electric Funeral".

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