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June 3, 2002
Well shit.  I have been neglecting the hell out of this page.  No worries, at least I remembered to update it.  Love it or lump it.

I learned that the Olsen Twins are 16 now.  Not too long before they hit 18 and I have no doubt that they will run on down to a porn industry.  If not, they will be given incredible offers.  Why?  Because the little trolls are famous and those with a bad lolita fetish will fall for it.

Artwork? Reviews? Not yet.  I'm still thinking of what the hell to put on my page.

I'm also busy with a secret project involving my cousin Spencer and I.  You'll see.

Yeee haw.

Oh yeah, seems Spencer kicked his Maximo fetish and Marvin crawled out of his bat cave to tell me he beat Arc the Lad.  Well one of the many.

Now he's ensnared by Final Fantasy X International

Oh yeah, I cut my hair.  It was starting to annoy me, so I cut it shoulder length.

May 13, 2002
After visiting DDR Freak  several times and watching a bunch of their movie clips, I've been inspired to make unique dances to some songs for show at arcades and personal fun.  If your wondering what the hell DDR Freak is, you can check it out on the link page.  My best bet is to have my cousin Spencer as a partner.  That fool can move.  I don't think Marvin would be all that interested.

May 12, 2002
Well I'm busting my fat ass on DDR (Dance Dance Revolution).  I've gotten good enough to where I can beat Paranoia without hurting myself or beat it out of shear luck   ^_^

I'm trying to find a new online game to play.  UO is dated, old, and bullshit.

I want to play Rogue Squadron for the GameCube.  Looks sweet as hell.

My cousins Marvin and Spencer are having their fun.
Spencer is just as enthusiastic about DDR as I am.  I feel it will be a while before I can keep up with him.  Asshole is real good. *fumes*
Marvin and Spencer are lost in the  Arc the Lad vortex.  Final Fantasy International has got them pinned, too.