Lighting the match...Starting the fire...Ending us all Smash my head into the asphalt, it can't be much worse than what i am feeling now...
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Hardships Endured



Bored Outta Your Mind?
Coheed And Cambria

We are Hardship's Endured. but i bet you find yourself asking, who are Hardship's Endured (from here on out refered to as HE, yes i am a lazy typer). Well to answer your question HE is matt (me) Luke (Lukin) Tim (Ski)and Steve (no clever nickname for him, sorry steve). And yes all the members know they are in the band! So you are intrested right, you see the subtle site love the clever song titles, now you wanna hear the music. well there is a slight problem with that, we have lyrics no music yet. give us time we all have jobs and what not. So keep checking back and either luke or i or one of the other members will add updates when ever we are able or there is something to update. also we just had a new member join Sticks (bitch boy) cuz he was bithing about steve being in the band, but he is a essential to our band now. also noel is sick, give him your love and support, rock on ya'll (hey we are from southwestern pa:o} ~matthew 8.2.02

>>>>i wrote some lyrics to a few more songs at work. i will put the title up on the site later, not right now. for all of you wondering, nope there still is no music to the songs. but hey that will all change one day, you got to start somewhere, correct? of course. Matthew 8~6~02

>>>> well i have been making a few changes to the site, trying to make it more appealing to the eyes of all the people who just are not coming to the site, but hey it is all good. want to try to keep on top of things and with this band it is very easy, nothing new is going on. though noel has some good lyrics, but no titles for the songs, i hope he gets some titles here soon, they are really good lyrics. if you see tim tell him hi, or any of the HE members we need love to, just like everyone else... Matthew 8~24~02

>>>>we have a drummer!! that we do. his name is john ivory and he use to work with me back in the days of the video store. he said he use to play drums and the way this band is shaping up that is more than good enough for me. tim is forcing me to get this band together and start something or he will leave! talk about black mail eh? so i guess i will have to try and pull a few members of this fine band together and start making some music. i will let you know when it is happening! later HE heads (haha i just made that up and i like it!) Matthew 8-28-02

Well it sure has been a while since i last updated the site, sorry to all of our devoted fans, and to said devoted fan(s) you rock, email us let us know you exist. it looks like we will be getting together this summer, though certain members of the band want to change the name, to them i say fuck off (noel and sticks). but hopefully something cool will come out of this band and we will get hot chicks, lots of hot chicks, yeah hot chicks..... Matthew

July 8th, 2003 Well it has been a wicked long time since i have updated. a few more songs have been worked on, well at least written, though it seems that Sticks and Noel have went on to form another band, which is probably best since well HE will probably never go anywhere. but the best of luck to them guys and thier new band. in fact they are looking for a singer, so if you know any, send them their way. if nothing else, take care ~Matthew

so write a new chapter out of your life with him by your side on every page write me out completely perhaps with a death scene, where I suffer for ever im drinking myself under the table while you are under your table talking to me but thinking of him tear it down.....

if you could find yourself in someone then why are you still standing here looking to me for guidance?