There Is NOTHING Worse Than MTV (except for VH1)

I just watched a half hour of MTVs Scratch and Burn. Everyone around me said it was funny. So I made the mistake of listening to other people (again) and so I watched Scratch and Burn (R)

After about 20 seconds of the "show" if it even deserves that title, I asked my friends if there was anything more to it. They said no. So I strapped myself down and forced myself to watch it, hoping for it to be amusing.... I was let down again.

It is the worst show ever made.
Its starts with some dude with a very fat lip rapping about coffee. What a stupid topic. The one before it was about how cleaning bathrooms is fun...?

Rhyming "esse" with "double expresse"... WOW! He IS brilliant! It's like rhyming pie with pie. God I hate MTV now. What a bunch of hacks, seriously. Also, where else could you learn more about the real world than in a show called "The Real World"? ... Morons. Because EVERYONE in the REAL world has a perfect complexion, every girl is thin and blond and white (go figure. I prefer white or latin girls), every guy has a 6 pack chest, and everyone has love scandals that are all forgiven, only to be repeated by the same group of losers with different people. Isn't that right? Isn't that how life works in the REAL world? NO. NO NO NO NO NO.


I just watch a half hour of MTVs Scratch And Burn. Someone gouge my eyes out to cleanse my eyes of the crap I have seen. I thought I didn't think I could survive such a huge dose of Super-Suck.

People agree, 'Scratch and Burn' is crap.

I am one of the few who survived an episode of "Scratch and Burn".
