Vent Your Frustation

[UPDATE]= I added more stupid things. Stupid people need their own webpage.

I recently had a conversation with a pissed off 13 year old. The red font is to highlight stupid misspelled words that morons should know how to spell.

I was surprised by her vast amount of maturity....

SkAnKaLiCiOuS21: who are you?! no1 cares bye
HangTen3000: WHO ARE YOU?
HangTen3000: thats what i wanna know
SkAnKaLiCiOuS21: ur mom
SkAnKaLiCiOuS21: bye
HangTen3000: someone is PMSing :-)
SkAnKaLiCiOuS21: yea and isnt it great
HangTen3000: not for anyone around you

I would like everyone who reads this that has AIM to instant message her and tell her to zip it, and furthermore, that her opinion is worthless, and ESPECIALLY TELL HER THAT TYPING LIKE A STUPID HACK ON CRACK ISN'T COOL. I mean, WhAt KiNd of A mOrOn TyPeS LiKe ThiS? Remind her that she is at teh grand age of 13 years old, and still can't spell "no one".... ITS NOT SPELLED "no1" and its 'NOBODY', NOT 'NO ONE'. Everyone IM her and tell her how to spell 'no one correctly', and especially tell her not to piss me off anymore with bad grammar.

If you do not you are a failure.

~~~Ehh..... !New part!
If you tell her to respect her elders (anyone older than 12) she says this (my, how brilliant):
LiTlbLoNdE21: ima do wat i want
LiTlbLoNdE21: shut up! no one likes u
LiTlbLoNdE21: i dont care
LiTlbLoNdE21: i dont care if im smart
LiTlbLoNdE21: i dont care if im smart
LiTlbLoNdE21: shut up no one likes u

No one said you were smart anyway.

My good friend (who is quite pretty by the way. I know it has nothing to do with this but I thought I'd mention it anyway)said this: Do you realize that your little, pathetic self is telling me to shut up through a computer screen? im not talking .. im typing.. so no words are coming out of my mouth.. you should think before you type.

Then comes the brilliant response:
LiTlbLoNdE21: i have better things to do

of course you don't, that's why you've been online 2 hours 12 minutes and counting.

[[Second update]].... She pissed me off again this afternoon. It's funny how I can piss off anyone without writing a single swear word... So let's go.

HangTen3000: well maybe you should quit selling yourself then?
SkAnKaLiCiOuS21: im not sellin muh self
xtReMlY NaUgHtY- kEnZiE
SeXiLeXie- Lauren
Suga N Spice - Kelly
Spank The skank- Taylor

HangTen3000: what kind of names are those?
SkAnKaLiCiOuS21: thoz r muh frenz nick names
HangTen3000: at 13 you aint supposed to know what a skank is. hell i dont even know what a skank is. Where IS YOUR DIGNITY?
HangTen3000: and your spelling is absolutely horrendous.
HangTen3000: you spelled every single f*cking word wrong
HangTen3000: now thats pretty sad
SkAnKaLiCiOuS21: i noe how 2 spell
HangTen3000: HAHA i can see that

People just don't learn. You tell them, and you tell them some more, and al they do is say that I'm stupid and my friends hate me. Who said i had friends (yes, i do)but even if they hated, I wouldn't care. Everyone is stupid except for me. People, such as pretty little Emily here, have a lot to learn. Life isn't about skanks, lief isn't about sex with other women, life is about more important things. And you say you beleive in God? Hell no. Don't even start.

People think I school everyone.
