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My brother's rival page

Like the Green Day pic?

Thanks for coming to my webpage. I have to say few things. My brother is a poseur. He thinks he's punk and he says he likes the Casualties. I only let him listen to my CD once and all of a sudden they're his second favorite band. Yeah right!

Now about me. I really like music. I prefer rock, and I only like one rap song. That would be Clint Eastwood by The Gorillaz. I started liking that song when i actually kept track of new songs that come out. I guess that was about 2 years ago or something.BTW thats me in the background. My sister took this pic a little while after i woke up so it's not that great.

I'll add more later. rock on

My top 11 bands (I really like them, im not lying like my stupid brother)

My Favorite Web Sites

The best Green Day site ever!
No description needed - IT'S NEOPETS! (my neopets name is brainbites)
Lotsa cool AIM icons and expressions
My brother's site - Email him and tell him how much better my site is and that he's a poseur!
The official Green Day site
