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Bachman-Turner Overdrive

Four Wheel Drive (1975 Mercury Records)

1. Four Wheel Drive mp3 clip
2. She's A Devil mp3 clip
3. Hey You mp3 clip
4. Flat Broke Love mp3 clip
5. She's Keepin' Time
6. Quick Change Artist
7. Lowland Fling
8. Don't Let The Blues Get You Down mp3 clip

Mike's Review
Bachman-Turner Overdrive is a much harder band than I think most people give them credit for, and Four Wheel Drive is a perfect example of that. The piledriving title track has all the right pieces to be a quintessential hard rock song: heavy rhythm guitar, a thunderous bass line, gruff vocals, a hot solo, and drums all over the place. "She's A Devil" begins with a clean guitar and soft vocals and almost sounds like it's going to be a ballad. However, half a minute into the song, it becomes one of the album's hardest. The song then shifts back and forth between these two styles, which is a unique and satisfying effect. The upbeat and catchy "Hey You" was this album's hit, and is just as good as Bachman-Turner Overdrive's other hits like "Takin' Care Of Business" and "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet." "Flat Broke Love" is a slower to mid-paced number with a meaty riff and is very heavy. The solo particularly stands out. Bachman-Turner Overdrive combine their heavy sound with their commercial accessibility on "She's Keepin' Time," with its hard verses and radio friendly chorus. "Quick Change Artist" is a fun boogie rock shuffle about a woman. Although it's still a pretty good song, "Lowland Fling" is probably my least favorite on this album. Overall it fits in pretty well, but the strange vocal effect makes it a bit weird. "Don't Let The Blues Get You Down" is a nice little hard rock ditty and closes the album quite pleasantly. Four Wheel Drive is an awesome album and representation of a band that should be more recognized and respected by the hard rock community.

Mike's Picks: This is a very solid album, only "Lowland Fling" stands out as slightly lesser

Mike's Review

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