
Let us start off right away with pictures that are fun, and i hope this page and the rest that follow dont take too long to load. So have fun!!!

L.A. Spring Break 1: Universal Studios

Date: April 2001

This is Devins mom as she narrowly escapse the clutches of Godzilla.

These cars were stunt drivers that lost their grasp on reality. Instead of just jumping off, they decided to kill as many people as they could. Total death count: 2. Casualties: 0.

The group just chillin' by this huge ass fucking guitar.

Ahhhhh, behold, thee most holy of guitars. Keep a clean tongue, for you are now in the presence of gods......

Guitars from the bands (left to right): Pink Floyd, Santana, Lenny Kravitz, METALLICA,and two others that can't be made out but aren't as important.

Before being totally devoured, Devin thought to make one last valiant smile for the camera and shortly after lost his life to the shark. We will love him always and miss hm dearly. *sniff*

Being struck by awe that the rain was coming up instead of down, we Devin and I decided to get a picture of this mysterious occurance.

Fucking chopsticks!!! I wish they had some damned forks in here!!! No, I will not pick it up with my fingers, do you know where my hands have been?????

Well, I hope you enjoyed my tour of Universal Studios, but lets get to some more pics. Visit any of the following: