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Title of the Project:
Subject Area of Focus:
Multidisciplinary Subject Areas: (All other integrated subject areas)
Grade Level Range:
General Summary (Abstract) of Project:

Content Standard(s): What specific content standards will this project meet?
Literacy Standard(s): What specific literacy standard(s) will this project meet?
English Language Development Standard (optional)

Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the project the students’ learning outcomes will be…
o What students need to know
o What students need to do
o Enduring Understandings (key concepts)

Essential Questions
SCCOE Internet Institute 2002
10B Project Guidelines

List the various formative and summative assessments you will use to measure whether or not
your students met the outcomes of this lesson. Some examples are: portfolios, surveys, tests,
graphs, rubrics, self-assessment, etc.
Pre-assessment (Baseline data)
Formative Assessment (ongoing reflection and assessment to improve learning experience), pg. 108
Summative Assessment (Final evaluation of student learning), pg. 108
How will you evaluate the overall effectiveness of this Project (e.g., design, organization and
Rubric (Aligned with the outcomes of the Standards), pg. 115

Additional Project Elements:
Real World - How does this Project relate to real world issues, problems, and information? pg. 161
Extended Time Frame (e.g., Timeline for Planning and Implementation), pg. 157
Student Decision-making: (e.g., choosing resources, design of their product, choice of delivery to
demonstrate learning, how students allocate roles within their team), pg. 139
What activities will be student-designed?
How will you address the learning needs of all students (e.g., Multiple Intelligences, learning
styles, special needs)?, pg. 149
Collaboration: (e.g., student/student, teacher/teacher, student/teacher, classroom/classroom,
collaboration with professionals in the field), pg. 127

Technology Integration: (Internet and/or Multimedia)

Timeline for Planning and Implementation:
Target beginning date: _________________
Target ending date: _________________

Lessons and Activities:
Pre-Production activities and materials:
Preparation and organization of web resources, published materials, scheduling of
lab/library/equipment, videos, classroom arrangement, field trips, primary source contacts,
guest speakers, etc.
Production Activities:
Post Production Activities:
Online Activities: What activities will involve using technology and the Internet?
Summary Outline and/or Steps of the Project:

Collaborative Team:
We, the undersigned, believe that our project will make a positive contribution to student
learning, and promise to fulfill our commitment to each other. We will implement this project by
March 1, 2003. In addition, we will each present our project to our respective schools. We will
also make every effort to submit our project for the Innovator Award, offered by the Santa Clara
County Office of Education, by March 15, 2003. (See application directions beginning on page

Name School Grade Level Email Address
E-mail Address