The Lisa Turtle EP. February ??th.

FEB 14th: Whoops, we forgot how horrendously long we take to record. We're about 3/5 of the way there...hang in there, we promise it'll be out before......well not too much longer. To keep the little interest we've had, we'll try to post a couple sound bits from the songs that are completed ("Temple Falls" and "Nightlite"). Until then...

JAN 25th 2004: Last night at practice we wrote a few new jams. We're going to make our sampler 5-6 tracks with all new material and see how people like it. No older songs will be recorded until a much later date. We'll continue recording in a week or two and hopefully complete the new demo by mid-February. Once we get it out, just ask us for one. St Joes Prep "DONT STOP THE ROCK" (show for the school's bands) tryouts are [EDIT] FEBRUARY 12th. We will be trying out with "Soul to Squeeze" by Red Hot Chili Peppers, unless there is a last minute change. Hopefully all goes well.

PREVIOUS UPDATES: The new site is still under some construction...bear with it within the upcoming weeks, it should be completed soon enough. We have a number of possible shows in the making; among the definites are SJP Battle #2 (Sat March 6th) and Holly Bowl with BOIMA and other bands (late Feb). We almost had a benefit show on Jan 27th, but work and school screwed that up...still, thanks for the invite Jess. We're looking to do major recording throughout the month of February with the ProTools program we picked up. When we have enough finalized demos, we'll probably pack them all together for a sampler. New pics should be up soon (Ed is fro-less). Any big news will be posted here. The new site should be updated a lot more often than before, so check back often.

--> 1/17/04: New website
--> 1/1-1/2/04: Recording sessions with ProTools. Recorded song Battle Cry.
--> 12/13/03: Fox wins SJP Battle of the Bands. Click for pix.


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