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Ferni's Mofo-ing Page

Ferni's Fav Things [Not In Any Specific Order] Well chicks are no. 1

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Damn I Look good.


12 Things That Piss Me Off

  1. Hairy Ass Dogs
  2. Smart Ass Brats
  3. Latin People Who Think That Their Black
  4. Ignorant People
  5. Prejudice People
  6. Broccoli
  7. Wasting 6 Bucks On A Bad Movie
  8. The Marlins
  9. People Who Try To Push Their Believes on Others
  10. When The Bad Guy Gets The Girl
  11. Brian's Stupidity
  12. Holidays

I really look good.


I'm a sexy beast.

OH yeah Baby.

Ferni's F-----ing Thoughts


Well heres the deal I cant stand people that ask stupid fucking question like "Did you cut your hair?" No0o0o0o I riped it off with my own teeth! Then theres people who think we give a damn about what happens to them on a daily basis. "Heres a quater jackass tell someone who fucking cares!" Then theres some real dumbass people who think that they know everything there is to know about anything. When they really dont know shit about what they are talking about. "Hey Einstein ;Mr Fucking know it all! Shut the Fuck up you dont know anything!"Have you ever met some off those people who always fake laugh, and you know that they are doing it? To those people I tell them "If your not going to really laugh then dont laugh it all fucker!" I dont know if this happens anywhere else but in my school theres these fucking Thug wanna-be's and they're all hispanic and they wear these long ass shirts that reach their ankles. "What the Fuck were you thinking I mean are you wearing a pijama, a blanket? I mean what the fuck is wrong with you? And its not only one theres like a whole fucking gang of them, they look like freaking retards. Hey you stupid looking retards you guys arent black! Got it? Good!


Well Hello people I'm coming to you via Satalite from Washington as I had to attend a press conference regarding my precedency. But they have given me a Laptop so that I may get my work done.Well Here goes todays thoughts I'm in Love, but Mr.Moto tells me that It might ruin my campaign but I dont care, and since not a lot of people see my site I guess its ok for me to tell the entire world I love Jenny R. I've dreamed wit her a couple of times, I know this all sounds krazy but she is so beautiful I tell her that I love her everyday but she does not listen and I have been turned down and burned a couple of times but no worry I will One Day marry her you will all see. She is so pretty, cute, adorable, and so lovely. Just calling her an Angel would be an understatement. Well dont take my word for it soon I will post a pic of her for the world to see what Im taking about. Well bye for now.


Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo I'm back fuckers. Well it's been months since I have written something but thats aight you guys can wait. Now first things first the girl i told you all that I liked in my last entry well forget her thats old news. Now second I wanna apologize for not updating my site in such a long time. Aight well lets get to it I'm living in NY now and I'm loving it although I do miss my peeps from Miami, so im sending a shout out to all my friends in MIA. Now for the good stuff I think I'm falling for this girl shes like no one I have ever dated shes like no other girl I dunno what else to say. Well this month I have no complains about anything Yeah Right OMG I dunno what happened over here in NY but all around my neighborhood it used to be full of Italians now all there is a bunch of stupid fucking thug wanna be's all these Hispanic's that think that they are black hey Dumbass you're a Latino aight. DAMN N/E ways thats all for now just keep swimming. I'll be back soon Peace


Well You see people I didnt take long for me to write again I'm Writing right now and umm i'm so tired I have been working these last two weeks and the Funeral Home with my Dad and It's been Hell except for when we buried a Dog that was fun. Well N/E ways Umm I dont know how to put this without sounding like a total whore but for those of you who know about my past u know what I had just last year and there was always _____, but now nothing iM only Human. For those of you who dont know or dont understand what I mean its Ok u dont need to know. Well im feeling like I will never have that again and thats sad. But I'll be alright no need to panic people, my suicidal days are over never mind Peace for Now Just Keep Swimming


Now im just too Hot.

Ferni´s Movie Reviews


Well this weekend I went out with my friend Natasha and we saw "The Cat In The Hat". I personally loved it. It was hilarious, the laughs were non-stop from beginning to end. But I know I personally enjoyed it because, I like all that kid crap. But by adult standards its more of a "oh its cute, my kid would enjoy it". Overall Ferni and his associated Mr.Moto Give it two thumbs up.

11/28/03 GOTHIKA

I just saw the movie Gothika with KBTO and Mario Andres at Muvico 10. And Personally I thought it was going to be alot better but dont get me wrong the movie was creepy and quite uncomfortable. But it got so much Hype that I really figured it was going to be a lot scarier but I still enjoyed and I encourage people to go see it. Overall Ferni and his associate Mr.Moto give it two thumbs up.

12/5/03 TIMELINE

Well hello peeps once again. I went to Cocowalk wit my freind Peter and a couple of other people,and my teacher Mrs.Bringas. The movie wasnt that good i would have prefered to go see Bad Santa,but there was one good scene in the movie and that was when the arrows flew from one side and from the other side and they met up in the middle. Overall I give it One thumb down and my associate Mr.Moto gives it one thumb up.

12/?/03 BAD SANTA

Well for this movie I didn't even have to leave my house. Lets just leave that like that. So yeah I saw Bad Santa what an awsome, laugh out loud, non-stop thrill ride, it was a hilarious movie. Billy Bob Thorton gave a wonderful performance as his character changes so much towards the end. This is a definate must see movie. Overall my associate (Mr.Moto) and I gave it two thumbs very high.


OMG Ben Stiller does it again what a Hillarious movie despite what the reviews say this movie was extremly funny. I saw it with my cousin Estefania. Even tho we sat in seperate seats in seperate rows we had a great time. Ben Stiller and Jennifer Aniston just lighted up the screen. I laughed so much and even after the movie I was still talking about it. Great date film so couples consider that.Overall my associate (Mr.Moto) and I give it two thumbs up.


I just saw this movie on Saturday I wanted to see it on Friday when it came out but w/e. I personally enjoyed this movie a lot but to a certain extent. What Im trying to say is that at certain scenes I was like dying cause it was sorta boring but the rest of the movie was good and it had a really good story behind it. I liked the fact that the movie is based on a thoery. The Acting was good too. It was a good night except for the fact that I had to pay for like 7 people but its kool. Overall I gave it two thumbs up and Mr.Moto Gave it one thumb up.

02/14/04 50 First Dates

Another hit for Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore this movie delivers laughs from begining to end. And it's not just some silly movie its also a great date movie I trully enjoyed it I recomend you see it as soon as possible.Overall my associate(Mr.Moto) and I give it two thumbs up.

03/05/04 Starsky and Hutch

Hillarious movie I'm a big fan of Ben Stiller and him and Owen Wilson work great together. Great silly movie. You'll find yourself laughing at the things that arent even funny. But a great movie.There is no denying that Ben Stiller is Comedy genious. Unfortunatly I was alone on this one and Overall only I gave two thumbs up.

04/02/04 WalkingTall

What can say The Rock does it again another big hit for the most electrifying man in all of sports and entertainment. This movie a remake of 1970 classic shows another side of The Rock more dramatic I guess you can say. But this movie is filled with other great movie stars. Go see this movie and if your a Rock Fan definatly go see this movie. Overall my associate(Mr.Moto)and I give ti two thumbs way up.

04/16/04 Kill Bill Vol.2

Uma Uma Uma Uma thats all I have to say I give it 10 thumbs up.

05/01/04 Lost In Translation

WoW I will never forget this film what a magnificant work of art the movie was outstanding Bill murray and Scarlett Johanson were just marvelous. The chemistry between these two just fits and theres no denying the msg behind this film. Overall my associate(Mr.Moto)and I give it Two thumbs way up.

05/07/04 Van Helsing

I saw this movie with my Moms Husband and I trully enjoyed it although a bit slow at some points and just a bit ridiculous. My moms husband didnt like it. But Overall and ok movie my associate (Mr.Moto) and I give one thumb down and one one thumb up.

05/19/04 Dawn Of The Dead

Nice movie alittle disapointing but still ok I didnt really enjoy the ending though. But I'm a sucker for Oldies so I'm going to have to go with the classic 1979 movie. Overall I gave it one thumb up and one down.

05/28/04 The Day After Tomorrow

A great Disaster movie. Super effects I'm not complaining. This movie besides having awsome effects it also has a heart warming story. I totally recommend this movie. Overall my associate(Mr.Moto) and I give it two thumbs up.

06/04/04 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Just Incredible I was speechless the movie was just awsome. I'm glad that I saw it with my friends and my teach and I was sitting next to this hot girl. But thats another story. Anyways Overall my associate(Mr.Moto) and I gave it Two thumbs way up.

06/19/04 The Terminal

This was an Awsome movie. Really touching I trully enjoyed It, But what I enjoyed most was that I saw it with a girl whom which I really Like her name is Susana. Seeing with her was the best part of the night I really enjoy her company. Whoa I'm trailing off here sorry Terminal great "feel good" movie, see it. Overall my associate(Mr.Moto) and I gave it Two Thumbs up.

07/01/04 Spider-man 2

OMG this movie f---ing rocked. It was a whole lot better than the first one I trully loved it. I also saw it with my friend Jaclyn and Jessi the movie is the best movie I've seeing so far this summer.Overall my associate(Mr.Moto) and I gave it two thumbs way up.

You know u want me.

Too sexy for my umm shirt?.

Ferni's Peeps

Well here are just some numba of people that i know:

Adrian, Adianne, Big Dave, Lazaro, Bobby D., Brenda, Bubba, Carol, Cat, Chupi, Danny, Danny M., Dannel, Danny Serote, David, Debbie, Brian, Fatima, Fran Luis, Gabriel, Franky, Jackie, Jaclyn, Jeff, Jen A., Jennifer, Joanna, Joe, Johnny, Jonathan, Jose, Miguel, Kevin, Kris, Chris, Lizzy, Lou, Luis, Magbic, Maria, Marlon, Max, Nixia, Christine, Natasha, Nestor, Omar, Peter, Priscilla, Tammy, Mario, Rigo, Sal, Silvia, Troll, Vannessa, Vivian, Laura, Terry, Dobson, William, Gabby, JENNY, Vannessa, Dani, Prisilla, Candy, Marlon, Soliet, Rachel, Melissa, Satan, Danni, Miguel, Eddie, Anika, Albert, Mirna, Mavis, Pedro, Yara, Yeilin, Kabeer, Tibo, Jose, Milton, Steven, Eric, Jonathan, Alex, Andrea, Kennie, Selene, Raul, Angel, Mrs.Bringas, Susana, Katty.

Well If I have left anybody out "Suck It Up" cause I dont care!! nah I'm just Kidding Click on my Guestbook and let me know who I left out.

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