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Emily's Official ADEMA Site

HEY SUP I MADE THIS SITE because I AM: one of the HUGEST Adema fans you've ever known. I also made it for well, the band themselves (der), other Ademanatics/Ademaniacs/Adema-Overcrazed people, Ademaniac-wannabe's, DUMMIES (think: ADEMA for Dummies - hehehe I know I'm a freak oh well who cares lala:D), or actually whoever wants to be here. Well it's nowhere near done because it takes A LOT of work and I'm a dummie when it comes to html, etc, so if you've got ANY ideas for it email me (only emails to it that relate to my site, no personal emails. thx.) or if you've got AOL Instant Messanger my s/n is:

MaRKyCHaVeZ0921 (no, I'm not claiming to be the real Marky. I'm not that insane.)


the above pic adapted from

DON'T CLICK ON THE PICTURE YET!!! The page it links to doesn't exist yet, but will, once I fix the format. Please keep checking back!!!!!:)

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12-21-02: Lalala. Yeah yeah yeah I've been alive all this time. Wee... there just hasn't been much going on with the guys in Adema so there's not much I can do except a) sit around waiting for them to do something or b) try to find even MORE pictures of them so I can yell at myself even more for not putting the picture gallery up yet or c) uh...I just thought there oughtta be a third answer choice. And you're all thinking, what was the point....? Let's move on from me and focus on ADEMA, shall we? Tour information still isn't available, and I don't know when they're gonna start back, since I think a new CD of theirs is coming out next May so they gotta start recording, but then again I'm not sure.... dammit I can never find time for this thing anymore. Then again, you gotta understand I have other band sites going, too, which I'm also trying my hardest to keep up with....I don't have them linked on here but I'll get them linked ASAP.... Goddamn! I always find a way to make myself feel guilty. Back to Adema. I think they might shoot a video for Blow It Away, but considering I just heard that by word-of-mouth from a friend, I can't confirm it. Fed up with me by now? I'll keep my mouth shut as I try to fix up the site some. However, if you think you can help me with this, email me, or if you really wanna work with it hands-on, AIM me and work on it while I'm online. My email's Appreciate the help.

11-27-02: Wow. Exactly a month since you people have heard from me. DIDN'T YOU ALL MISS ME OH SO MUCH - COULD YOU PEOPLE JUST NOT LIVE WITHOUT ME????????? ("Now this looks like a job for me so everybody, just follow me cause we need a lil, controversy, cause it feels so empty, without me") Sorry. Wrong artist. Oops. Tsk. OKAY....that was my song of the day. You want me to just shut the fuck up? I will in a sec. BUT FIRST....LET'S ALL SING HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO....MARKY CHAVEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, YOU LIVE IN A ZOO, YOU SMELL LIKE A MONKEY, AND YOU LOOK LIKE ONE TOO - okay okay I'll cut the third grade shit. Sorry Marky I WAS GOING TO MAKE A SHOUTOUT TO YOU ON YOUR REAL BIRTHDAY, NOVEMBER 15, but the reason why I couldn't go is because ANGELFIRE WASN'T WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>:O Oh well. As for updates....not much TO update, except, well, basically the whole format of the site. I like this index page. I'm really dissatisfied with some of the other pages, and the fact that I can't even so much as FINISH putting down all the lyrics. God, I feel so stupid. Sigh....

10-27-02: Fuck, it's been FOREVER since I've updated this thing!!!!!!!!! Yes, I am still alive. I just haven't had time, and the reason is ONE WORD: SCHOOL. Fun fun fun!!!!!!!! Well I got enough complaints about no news on Adema, so I decided to come here and see what I should add. Every time I come here I try to update my site SOMEHOW. Hmm....Adema's new EP, Insomniac's Dream, came out on October 22. Track list....1. Immortal 2. Shattered 3. Nutshell then there were remixes of Giving In, Freaking Out, and The Way You Like It. Well since Ozzfest Adema's been taking a break and I'm not quite sure when they'll get back to touring but as soon as I find out I'll post it. CONGRATS TO MARKY AND BRANDI FOR THEIR KID!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes girls, it's true - Brandi's pregnant. I don't know if it's a boy or girl or if Marky and Brandi know, but even so BE HAPPY FOR THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah: updates. I feel like a fuckin retard because all I did was JUST TURN THAT PAGE-HIT COUNTER OFF and I complained about how it didn't work. Weird shit. Gotta fix the pictures and other stuff....

9-14-02: Today....hover your mouse over the links, like the little fiery thing I've wanted forever and ever? Well now I just gotta get the scroll bar code and hover code on ALL the pages, as well as get the frameset, flash the other pages, get all the lyrics, AND still have yet to get the photo gallery together. As of now, I only have all of Tim's individual pics beside some group photos. It's coming along though, arranging the pictures, then getting them on here. All the other pages need Comic Sans too, getting the scroll box code, and why the hell do I have a faulty page-hit counter?? Oh yeah, some computer genious should STILL see what the fuck is up with the music video, and sorry Marky, but your personal page keeps changing your title back to Mark, instead of Mark "Marky" Chavez. Working on that too.....

9-11-02: well, it's been a year, let's all have a moment of silence for what happened to the WTC last year...........................................thanks well I haven't really updated anything yet except I got a new Adema graphic, I'm working on my frameset page thing to go on the left, and it's a hell of a lot of work and if you read the below, I can be a retard. lol. Well, for the next few days when I have time I'm mainly gonna be working on giving the other pages more flash, as well as how to get a frame up, and soon I'm gonna box the updates.... it's gonna be cool. Trust me.

9-10-02: Once again I prove I'm a fuckin retard. You know that encounter page? Well, I didn't link to it after all, I just set up the page. *smacks self* ARGH Angelfire doesn't love me no more or something....well it's there now, sorry!!!!!!!!! Making a frameset for the site so you don't always have to go to the index page. Also plan on getting boxing the Updates, it's getting too long to keep scrolling down...and down...and DOWN. Two more pix were sent to me from a fan. Thanks dude.

9-07-02: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today's a phenomonal day - at least for me - cause I FINALLY got the Encounter page up and running. (I was having trouble with it.) New fan contribution, thanks for the pictures, I'll definitely put them on the site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, send in your ADEMA contributions to - put in Adema Encounter as the subject, thanks. Finding HTML for the photo gallery, one day I'm going to jazz up the rest of the pages on here like the Index page. Still accepting HTML help, send in suggestions at the same email address, thanks guys!!!!!!!!

9-03-02: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *blows horn, throws balloons in the air* Okay....updating Dave's page. Gathering HTML codes for photo gallery, got ALL the pictures, just need to arrange them. New email address JUST for Adema Fan Site mail. (please keep the subject lines down to Site Contribution, Question, Difficulty, Comments, etc, no details, I won't know what to expect. Thanks.) Must learn VRML for a little intro-movie thing when you first come to the site, so PLEASE let me know how to get one up and going. Figuring out framesets. Adema Encounter page expected soon.

8-31-02: Like the new fire logo? (oh yeah, I got it from New guestbook rules, so everyone understands what they can and cannot write. Messages that fail to comply to them will be bye-bye. I'm not super-strict, so it's not really anything TOO SPECIFIC to worry about, but for your sake and mine, read them before signing. Thanks. I'm getting started on my photo gallery, but it's not worth letting the world see yet. Hoping to negotiate with Arista to borrow those music videos. (I'm hoping to get Giving In and Fire and Ice as well.) Somebody tell me how to contact, or if you're on the team email me or leave a message in the guestbook. Thanks. Check my links section. I added two new ones today. *N*E*W* *P*O*L*L* go vote

8-30-02: Fuck, I can't believe I haven't updated my thing in TWO. LONG. WEEKS. FINALLY figured out why the page-hit counter thing wasn't working. I hadn't closed the fuckin tag to the scrollbars. HOW DUMB CAN I GET?!?!?!?!?!?!? Uploaded new pix, you will see them once I figure this whole HTML thing out. SEE?!?!? Isn't seeing a huge picture gallery all at once instead of bits and pieces of a pathetic one worth the wait?????????????

8-15-02: Whoa, it can't have been four days since I was last here. Well guess what. The whole entire gallery's getting a makeover, so when you click on the pictures link or on the bottom pic on the main page it'll just lead you to a page that says UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Trust me. Grrrrr....I downloaded the Adema font and it's not showing on here. Oh well, I'm saved by Comic Sans. lol.

8-11-02: Made new guestbook, still working on page hit counter. Have possible reason why the video won't work, hey Laurie, if you're reading this, would you terribly mind if I put the music video on your site on mine? I would download the video and put it on here, but I'm paranoid of copyright infringement, I don't even have a dollar for you to sue me. Okay okay, I know all you people out there don't care about me, you care about Adema, so I'll just shut up. Sound cool?

8-10-02: fixed the most obvious reason why the links to the last six song lyrics don't work. The pages to them don't even exist. I'm so fuckin stupid, I know, shut up. So now those pages are under construction, so bear with me. I know you're sick of me saying that, but it's all I can say. The photo section is also under way, I only have a few pix, but I'm gonna get more ASAP, some of them are some funny shit, so check it out. Also updating band pages, so after today I should have more than just Mark's page. New guestbook, please sign. Fixing page-hit counter. Dave and Tim's pages went up today.

8-09-02: hmm....I added a link, I fixed a few wrong lyrics in my lyrics section (by the way, I'm still trying to fix the last six tracks AND find lyrics to Shattered as well). Still have no idea what's wrong with the music video, so if you're a computer genious maybe you can figure it out. Oh yes: I also added two new pics on the main page, info for the totally blind.

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