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date: 11th july
time: 8:08pm
entry: hosting

heyaz, um, i havent updated in 6 days, not 2 bad! lol ... anyway, im finding a host, ive sent off for like, 10 different hosting spaces ... and all have regected me :(, shame ... but i have a good feeling, ive sent off for one just a moment ago ... shes a really cool grl and her site is brill! im not gonna let the cat outta the bag just yet, but ill be announcing it soon! hopefully is she decides to host be, i really hope she duz! thnx han xx

date: 5th july
time: 4:08
entry: kelly o interview

heyaz! ok, prepare for a pretti weird blog today ...

u'no, i find some of the things they write in magz can be so parculiar! like this .... an interview with kelly 0 that makes no use wat so eva!


"when i was a kid i used to pick up cockroaches all the time. there were loads where we were living and we always used to play with them and flick them about! i remember my mom and dad always chatting about what do do with me! i was always picking up worms too, they were pretty cool but roaches were my thing! ive grown out of it now though!"

"when i got my first tattoo done my mum was really unhappy. she just gets annoyed cos i keep having more of them done! im up to siz now, theres no grand plan to it, i just like having them - im going to have a break from it for a while now, its been driving my mum too mad."

"im not allergic to much but theres this one antibiotic called levaquin that really messes me up. its horrible, it makes my face swell up and i look like a mongrel - its totally disgusting!"

"i try not to get into arguements but i was in a diner in hollywood the other night drinking milkshakes and this idiot turned round to me and started going 'ha ha ha, your brothers in rehab!' and i was like 'thats so nothing to laugh about' and i chucked my milkshake at him and walked out. i was angry but the worst part about was when it hit him, some of the milkshake sprayed back and went all over my shoes!"

"ive been put in the back of a police car before! it was my (bleep)ing sisters fault! we'd gone out to a club for the night and she parked her car in the exit of this parking lot so no one could get in or out. when the police showed up a guy pointed at me and said, 'thats her car!' so i was in the back of a cop car getting asked these questions and i was like, 'this is my sisters car!' just as i say this she wanders around the corner so fortunately i was let out".

"im not scared of much but i really dont like flying at all. im a total white-knuckle flyer! if its a long flight my docter prescribes me anti-anxiety medication but on the short ones i get nothing, everyones like 'just shut up and get on the god damn plane'!"

"ive got a confession - i never was my face! you know some girls have all of these fancy bags full of fancy soaps and beauty products, i dont get it at all. on tour all i take is a toothbrush and a razor - thats it! im just not into it. i cant be bothered to put it on every day, ive got better things to do!"

"you know what? theres just one food i cannot bear - steaks! cheeseburgers and hamburgers are fine, i love them but steaks, eurgh, they are so gross. the things make me shudder just thinking about them!"

"i wish i could stop sucking my thumb but i just cant do it! ive tried so many different things but it doesnt seem to do any good, i think i'll be sucking all my life! ive tried all the nail varnishes you can get but they dont work, i just bite them off. i even tried this thing that you put in your mouth thats a bit like a brace; when you put your thumb in your mouth it slides back out! its weird!"

"im a big fan of karma. i always thing karma is much more satisfying than revenge. its a great feeling when something happens to someone who's wronged you and you can say 'what goes around comes around'!"

okay ... anything you didnt know about kelly, you'll probably know it now! wasnt that weird ... and it took me at least an hour to write it without any breaks! god, i need to go now! bye!
hannah xx

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» my full name is hannah. but my friends call me han. im a 13 year old chick living in usa. born on 4-07-90. brown hair, brown eyes. love status: not taken.

»loves: hippies, the beach, squeezing flies, hot weather, me-to-you bears, glitter, purple'n'silver.

»hates: grumpy people, liars, people who always give you the "silent-treatment", web-designs who get really angry when you ask them to make them a layout, people who get in a strop over nuffin, greebos, hair dryers that smell of smoke when u put them on the high level, people that pick there nose, bitches who boast and brag, posh peeps, ppl who hate partying!

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