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The Outsiders

Roleplay Title: Count Down To No Mercy Is On
Lines: 32
People Mentioned: Shane McMahon,Vince McMahon,Crazy Killer,Dojo,Undertaker
Wins-Losses-Ties: 0-0-0
Achievements: XOW World,IC,Hardkort,Royalrumbler and KOTR Winner
Chris Jericho Is Back In The XOW!!!
The Lights Go Dim All Over The Arena.
5,4,3,2,1!!!!!!!!!!!BOOM! Break The Walls Down Plays All Over The PA System In The Big Apple NYC. But Where Is Jericho Jericho Is At The World In Time Square.
"Workers Give Jericho A Mic"
Jericho-Welcome To XOW IS JERICHO!! Fans Cheers At XOW No Mercy Ill Have My Shot At My Title Again To Bring It Home Again.
But This Time Im Not Faceing Albert, Im Not Faceing Big Daddy Cool, Im Not Faceing The Bad Guy Im Faceing The Undertaker Someone I Have Had Great Matchs In Every FED I Have Ever Been In And Now We Come To The XOW And Meet Again WOW.
Who in the blue hell is Dojo??? Comeone guys Dojo what kinda name is that?Well anyways I have never faced you and you have never faced me but now nomercy you me undertaker and......crazykiller!
Crazy Killer yes i was not here when you got here to bring the XOW back to the top but you was not here when jericho was beating the blue hell out of every single person on the XOW roster. But i give you all the RESPECT in the world because yes you did win the 15 win royalrumble you did win that title but the think is crazy killer i never lost that time.
Now on to my very good buddy the PREZ on the XOW Shane O MAC!!!!!!!!
"Fans Go Crazy All Over The World"
Shane you put the best you got the top 4 xow superstarts in this match but yet you do not have a match at nomercy after vincemcmahon nailed me and you with a chair on monday now shane its time for you shane o mac to stand up for what you made stand of for the XOW and dont let your dad kill it!!
Shane what you should do is at nomercy put your self in a match with your dad!! But shane dont worry you know that weirdo crazy killer will be in vinces sides so shane ill stan right beside you!
Now Back to the Deadman The Undertaker The America Bad Ass Now Taker You know me as good as anyone in the leage so at nomercy me and you 1more time but this time its our first time fighted in the XOW so this is sure to be one hell of a show
Dojo i have never even seen you but you already make me laught but hell who knows you may go to nomercy and beat the liveing shit out of me. Sorry for the S word kids.LOL, But let me get real with you kid me and you walls of jericho locked on you are crying like a baby but i want let go thats all i can say about you kid
Now back to crazykiller ill face all 3 of you guys this will be my first PPV back and what do you think i got on my mine i have 1 think on it and thats is my title!!!
Jericho Drops The Mic And Leaves