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Fucking hell. I've had this website for years now and it's pretty nostalgic to look back at it all. But it's not wonder I haven't updated it since the very day that I got it because frankly I have nothing interesting to say about myself. Perhaps I will start with the basics.

I'm Nikki, I'm an accountant and a trumpet major at UBC in Vancouver but am planning to switch to cello in the not so near future, Canada, I smoke, I'm taken, extremely content with that status, I'm arrogant, and I don't like very many people. Care to read on?
I'm German, Norwegian, and British but for some reason I like to tell myself I'm Icelandic. I'm obsessed with hair, language history, reading, classical trumpet (hence the trumpet major... hmm), vocal jazz, clothes, and I've recently taken a liking to things like monasteries, churches, and ancient things like that because I like the fact that they are very humbling, although I'm an athiest.
I listen to music that none of you like. Or maybe I listen to one band that you like and 15 that you think are terrible. Or you've never heard of them because you have NO TASTE in music at all. Currently I'm partial to Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, 70% of Billy Joel's music, Radiohead, Supertramp, Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles, Tool, King Crimson, and Gregorian chant. (No, it isn't a band.)
I don't have much else to say. So I could post tons of pictures and links and stupid moving graphics... maybe I will. Minus the graphics. Yikes.


Links will eventually find there way here and join this one:

.about me.
.my mods.

This is me yesterday. You can tell by the look in my eye that I'm real tough shit.

Torture yourself with more pictures.


October 13, 2004
I got a blog-like thing. So um. RANDOM SPAMMING MY OWN PAGE: Go here.
On a much better note I got back together with my boyfriend last Tuesday. Which definitely rocked my world even though I didn't think it would. Well I knew it would but I didn't realize the magnitude of the rocking. Or something. Anyway he's awesome and that's all I have to talk about. So. Good day.

September 30, 2004
Yeah so I got the back of my neck pierced today. Pretty sexy. Or maybe not if you're not into that sort of thing. Either way I got a piercing and a nice man's phone number out of today so I'm definitely in a good mood. I also got a very terrifying Kinder Surprise toy. But that's not half as exciting.
I have a concert tomorrow and then we finally get to play new songs in Symphony. It's been a whole.... 3 weeks? on these songs and they've gotten pretty tedious. But I'm in a brass quintet now so I have even MORE shit to play now. I'm excited... I love my trumpet. *Seizures* Anyway now I'm rambling and have managed not to say one single interesting thing. Have a good day then.

September 15, 2004
So since I can't really "update" from the last entry I've put in here I'm not really sure what to say other than... well.... naturally, like yours, my life generally sucks with sudden bursts of enjoyment here and there. Mostly there, though, because that's not as close as here. But don't get me wrong I don't hate everything, just most things, but I'm very happy to do so. So I'm not a depressing person, just a very socially-picky and cold one. That'll all change with given time though; no one can be cynical there whole life. Except for my aunt Beatrice or whatever her name is... but I'll avoid her footsteps as best I can. Anyway I'm not really talking about anything and nothing of any significance has happened to me today or anytime at all in the recent past so I'm just going to end this entry like this and see if I ever get bored enough to write another one later. Anyway, bis bald, tchus (insert the accent, I can't do it), kveðja, das vedanja (or however it's spelled). Goodbye