last day in the we ring!
People Used: Mentioned: Current Record: titles held: OOC Notes:
-[last day in te wwe rin!!]-
The scene opens up as the setting is in boston where tonight the wwe is having raw which stone cold wont be there ! After a match ends and the show is catching the halfway point the scene is now the ring area where the fans are waiting after a small intermission but suddenly the glass shatters and the music begins and the fans roar to their feet and cheer as out of the curtain walks STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN! The fans cheer even louder somehow when Stone Cold comes out. Austin runs his mouth as he walks down the aisle. He reaches the ring and gets onto the steel steps and then he gets into the ring and walks over and climbs the northeast corner and raises up his arms as the fans go wild. He gets down and comes over to the northwest corner and climbs it and raises his arms as the fans get even louder. Steve gets down and heads to the southwest corner and climbs to the middle buckle and raises both arms up again as he runs his mouth. Steve gets down and comes to the southeast corner and does the same. He gets down and walks over and gets a mic

Stone Cold Steve Austin:now last smack down[FANS WHAT]i said on smack down the last roster as a full roster stone cold said he hade to leave you all[FANS BOO] hey stone cold has a reason why im the Texas Rattlesnake and i have a reason[FANS WHAT]i said i have a reason now the only reason stone cold is leaveing is cuz im gone out training[FANS WHAT] wanna become better[FANS WHAT]so i can kick more ass then i ever did but thats not the main reason and no the reason is not cuz i lost to road dog well it's got to do with something like that you see i hade it[FANS WHAT] i hate losing to the dog now i did win at backlash whooped goldberg and on smack down i said i whould beat his ass 1 2 3 but it didn't happen why i don't no and i want to get better and you can bet your ass when i get back im going to whoop some ass[FANS WHAT] win that title and be once again the best there is and thats going to happen in a mouth

stone cold:now yes the Texas Rattlesnake is going to be back in a mouth[FANS BOO] yeah i know it sucks a mouth away from the ring hey but i have a reason but you know i have to do what i have to do and that brings me to another thing it brings me to what show im going to pick when i get back now vince [FANS WHAT] the owner of the wwe [FANS WHAT] the man that stone cold stunned[FAN CHEER] told me that i hade to pick what show i wanted to be with at ppv i have to pick raw or smack down and sure i'll pick now this is what i want shane to do shane i know your in the back fired up you want stone cold to join your side well if you want me to join your show you have to tell me your reason now i don't no who the hell the new smack down gm is going to be but hell when you get your ass hired if you want stone cold on your show this is what i want you to do. i want you to tell me why you want me on your show give me a good reason why i should join[FANS WHAT] i want a good reason i don't want no god damn reason saying hey stone cold if you join my show i'll do anything no stone cold doesn't want that remember you got till ppv and who ever wants stone cold the most will try and try but remember stone cold will make his return at ppv and hell when he gets back he'll be better to whoop everyones ass now shane this is what i want you to do i want you to be the first to be why i should join raw don't be shy get your ass down here what you don't want me on your show?

One of the people by the ring throws stone cold a beer and he pops the top and chugs it down as here comes the money hits and shanes music begins and the fans cheer . Stone Cold then spills the beer as he watches intensley as shane walks out of the curtain onto the ramp as the fans are cheering. shane looks at stone cold and he has a mic in his hand and he starts to talk

raw gm shane:Look Steve [FANS WHAT]Calm Down! [FANS WHAT] Stop that! [FANS WHAT] Don't start with me! [FANS WHAT] I mean it![FANS WHAT]Make them stop Steve! [FANS WHAT] Look[FANS WHAT]...You can[FANS WHAT]Stop it! [FANS WHAT] Let me talk! if you want stone cold to be on my show which i want him let me give him my reason! [FANS WHAT] Steve[FANS WHAT]

as shane trys to talk stone cold looks at the fans happy and then he puts his beer down and gets the mic from the floor he starts walking around looking at the fans then he turns and looks at shane and then as he looks at him shane starts to get pissed and stone cold puts the mic up and talks

stone cold:hell son you want stone cold to join your show and stone cold doesn't even understand a damn word your saying can you speak english[FANS WHAT] i said can you speak english? first off all soon your giving me no good reason why i should join your show are you trying to be funny[FANS WHAT] your not funny to me. to me your making a fool of yourself and boy stone cold hates fools. tell me if i join your show your not going to act like a damn fool now shane i want you to remember this is my last night in the ring but i'll be watching raw and smack down every time it comes on i'll be watching i'll be seeing what you two have to say about stone cold now shane i see you have some papers in your hands son i never said i was going to sign them did i no i didn't so why the hell did you bring them down did you wanna look like a jackass cuz your starting to look like one now stop standing there and give me a reason why you want me the best there is stone cold 3 time wwe champion on your show oh and guys listen up let shane talk you see i wanna see what this man has to say about me ok shane start speaking before i get bored

raw gm shane:thanks stone cold and well yeah i hade the papers right now it whould be cool if you signed them now but hell like you said i'll do anything i can to get you on my show i think your the best in the wwe and me and you we'll make a great team now don't join smack down you need to join a real team a better then raw the best show ever

stone cold;hold up shut up wait raw looks not that good to me whats this i look at this draft paper and all the divas are on smack down is this some kind of joke?[FANS WHAT] does this make you look gay son if you have no diva on your show it makes you gay listen son you got some crappy guys on this list. and hell son all these guys look easy to me they are easy to beat hell you even got goldberg on here and he was easy to beat to. and you want stone cold to join your team hell son all almost all the good people are on smack down hell my good old buddy scott hall is on smack down. shane i don't no what to tell you. right now it looks like im going to go on smack down but son i'll tell you what you have a mouth to make your show better a mouth[FANS WHAT] a mouth to get divas on your show hell a mouth to get better people if not smack down it is but hell i don't even no who the hell the smack down gm is but hey you got some good people like the rock and whats this Scott Steiner you have Scott Steiner on your list is this some kind of a joke you pick a jackass to join your show shane shut up im not down i don't no what to say but hey remember a mouth you have a mouth remember stone cold will be coming back at ppv and thats when i pick my show

raw gm shane:listen stone cold i don't no who the hell you think you are but im not gay hell i have most of the good guys im just saying come to my show and i'll put you in a match and if you win you'll get a title shot thats all and your off so stone cold why don't you just sign this and i'll be happy to welcome you to raw is war come on stone cold you know raw is where you made most of the history what do you say?

stone cold:Bring your ass down this ramp and get into this ring![FANS WHAT]Either way it goes shane , you have a mouth thats all stone cold has to say and hell make stone cold mad stone cold wont join raw ![FANS WHAT] and shane listen up if stone cold does join your show don't make this son of a bitch mad cuz hell if you make me mad i'll give your ass a STONE COLD STUNNER! [FANS WHAT] With some STANK ON IT![FANS WHAT] Your ass belongs to Stone Cold if i join raw remember this if i join raw you don't own stone cold. i own you [FANS WHAT] AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE [FANS WHAT] cuz stone cold said so now get the hell out of here i still have one more person to see and thats the smack down gm(shane walks away with a pissed off face) well shane your done what does the smack down gm have to say about me?

stone cold:ok i know your back there listening to stone cold so this is what i want you to do but before i tell you what to do i want you to listen up don't look like a jackass like shane did. shane if you just got back in your locker room listen up you want stone cold on raw make yourself look better get better people got it good. ok now first of all i want you to listen to stone cold and what i mean by that is stone cold doesn't give a damn what you have to say about me and hell you don't order stone cold around hold up stone cold just forgot your ass anit here tonight so how are you going to get to meet stone cold oh well i guess u don't but don't forget a mouth i'll be watching smack down to see if you have anything to say about me to ok thats all i got to say about that

stone cold:now this is the last time your going to see me in this ring now if any of you are watching ppv you'll see stone cold there and hell if your lucky stone cold will maybe come back sooner but hell im sure that anit going to happen now before i go i have to say this to you guys in the back. you guys better be ready cuz when stone cold comes hes going to be 10 times better and hell there is going to be more ass whooping and hell when i get back im going to win that wwe champion title belt what ever show i join raw smack down doesn't matter it matters for the gms cuz they need some one good as stone cold what ever show i join you see these papers when i get back i can get a shot at the title don't you all remember i beat goldberg that jackass whooped his ass and hell who ever the champion is better watch out cuz when stone cold walks back at ppv hes going to open a can of whoop ass on your ass and thats the bottom line cuz stone cold said so!(we take you to j.r and the king and king starts to talk)

king:well that was the last words from stone cold. stone cold good luck and we hope to see you back soon man can you beleave it his last day in the ring till a mouth thats got to suck for stone cold j.r man don't look all sad like he said he'll be back 10 times better and he'll whoop more ass!

j.r:this man will be messed king and hell he made his days in the wwe great hall of hamer 3 time wwe champion hes done it all this man is the best but we have 20 mins left before the show is over so lets show you some rewinds of what this man did in the past from wm all the way to backlash lets show you some great ppvs and great times that stone cold hade in the wwe lets show you a match with goldberg vs stone cold in a anything goes match that was at backlash!

backlash stone cold vs goldberg anything goes

Goldberg then puts Austin in a headlock and walks toward the side of the ring, Goldberg then walks over toward the announcers table! Goldberg then starts to smack the fore-head of Stone Cold against the announcers table, over and over again! Goldberg goes for one last head shot against the announcers table but Stone Cold blocks and counters, Stone Cold puts his hands down and blocks it, Stone Cold then starts to elbow the side of Goldberg, Stone Cold then turns around and clotheslines the hell out of Goldberg. Stone Cold then looks at the crowd and an evil smiles beams accross his face. Stone Cold spits on Goldbergs face as the fans begin to boo Stone Cold. Steve Austin then walks away from Goldberg and goes over toward the timekeeper, Stone Cold then takes the chair from under him and walks back over toward Goldberg, Stone Cold picks up the chair and winds up for a huge chair shot against the head of Goldberg. Goldberg goes down after that chair shot. Stone Cold then attempts for the pinfall, Referee Earl Hebner makes it to his knees and begins the count; one.... two...three

j.r:now that was a hell of a match that is a match that i will never forget stone cold going one on one with goldberg hell that almost was the match of the night well thats what most people are saying what do you have to say king?

king:yeah that was a great match both of these man took a ass whooping it was a hell of a match and which no one in the wwe will ever forget lets take you to last mouths ppv which was wm and hell it was a night that no body will ever forget when stone cold beat both angle and the game hhh

j.r:and if you can remember thats when hhh the game and stone cold where co owners of the wwe title. that made a lot of history here for the wwe so lets show you that rewind and it was the same night where stone cold gave vince the stone cold sunner and nobody will ever forget that night lets get a rewind up

wrestlemaina 1 stone cold vs hhh vs kurt angle (wwe title)

Kurt Angle finally makes his move and from behind, he attacks Stone Cold, but the shotsfrom Shane Douglas’s isn’t fazing Stone, Shane Douglas realizes that his attempts toweaken the monster Stone Cold isn’t good enough, Kurt Angle starts shaking his headand trying to call mercy at Stone Cold but Cold doesn’t listen and Stone Cold hoists upKurt Angle up onto his shoulder, Stone Cold then executes a huge invited death valleydriver! The arena goes crazy. Stone Cold then rolls out of the ring and meets Triple H.Stone Cold and Triple H are fighting it out, outside of the ring both men are getting tired but someone is going to walk away with the WWE strap around there waist Kurt gets up and rolls outside of the ring, Kurt hoists Triple H up on top of the announcers table, Kurt Angle then hooks him into a suplex position and nails the Angle Slam through the damn table!! Triple H has been broken in two!! Kurt Angle seems like he always felt the effect of that move, Kurt Angle is the first to move and Angle crawls to the ring, inside of the ring is Stone Cold, Steve is down on the mat after he he was fighting with Triple H; but now Angle has just put Triple H through the table, Kurt Angle slides back into the ring,Stone Cold is pretending to be down, Kurt Angle goes to pick him up but Stone Cold kicks himself up, then Stone Cold kicks Kurt in the gut!, THE CROWD GOES CRAXY! Stone Cold hits the Stunner! Stunner! Stone Cold Fucking Stunner!! Stone Cold covers Kurt Angle, referee Earl Hebner slides and makes the count; one… two… three!!! NEW WORLD CHAMPION!! Howard Finkle: The winner of this match, and NEW World champion...Stone Cold Steve Austin!!!

king:well thats all the rewinds we have for you and stone cold good luck on your training and we'll be happy to see you in a mouth my friend good luck and when you get back you said you'll be 10 times better hell if your going to be 10 times better does this mean your going to be whooping more ass stone cold?

j.r:oh hell he said well people this is the last time your going to see stone cold in the ring take a pic do something cuz in a mouth this man is going to be back and 10 times better then he already is he also said he'll win the wwe championship title belt once again and when you do get back stone cold i want to be the first to wish you luck now good night everyone the show is over we'll see you on raw!

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