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Greg C.

 My name is Greg Cravens. When I first got online back in 1999 I never gave out my real name, but now I figure 'What the Hell'...hahaha. I am 35 years old. 6 feet tall, about 195 lbs. Light brown hair, blond on top, blue eyes, a couple earrings and one tattoo so far..hehehe. I used to be morbidly obese, and in July of 2000 had the roux-en-y gastric bypass surgery. I have lost about 260 lbs and am now pretty much stable at my weight. I feel awesome, but I still have the negative self image I have lived with all my life. I get embarrassed real easily because I'm not used to people paying attention to me in a positive way.

I live in San Marcos, California which is in north San Diego county. I am about 30 minutes from Hillcrest (San Diego's gay mecca). I am a tow truck operator, and I work for a large company that is the police contractor for the San Diego Police Dept and the California Highway Patrol and the SD Sheriff's Dept. I have been there for 8 years and enjoy it immensely. I work 3rd shift, which I have modified to go from 8pm to 8am, 5 days a week. Yeah, it's a lot of hours, but I'm finally making enough money to not have to stress about money.

In addition to my 'job', I volunteer on my two nights off through the gay/lesbian center. I help with a youth discussion group on Tuesday night and I am an adult volunteer at the Hillcrest Youth Center on Weds night. This is a drop in center specifically for LGBTQ youth ages 14-24. A safe zone. Everyone in that age group is welcome. It has been one of the best experiences of my life seeing these kids grow and gain confidence and go through relationships, etc. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

How out am I? Totally. I don't go around announcing 'Hey, I'm gay' but I don't hide it either. If I see a cute guy, I don't hide the fact I'm checking him out. Most people assume I'm str8 though, cuz I'm so butch!! LOL, Sorry, inside joke. Hahaha.

Spitually, I don't really fit any mold. I was 'born' Jewish, but haven't been to Temple since age 5 except to play bingo a few times!! I prefer to handle things internally and my concience is my guiding force.

Hobbies?? Hmmmm..not much free time for that! I like music, all kinds almost. I like punk, pop-punk, some rap, trance, etc. I don't like country (sorry guys). My favorite bands are Bad Religion, Social Distortion, MXPX, Offspring, Blink, Linkin Park. I am also into the old school punk from when I was a teen, like Sex Pistols, the Clash, Stiff Little Fingers, Dead Kennedy's, etc.

I met Lance via another message board and his activism really intrigued me. I am not a 'typical' gay male, totally into looks. Even though Lance is a hottie, it was his 'spirit' that made me interested. I can honestly say I would not be the person I am if I didn't become one of his acquaintances. I know I would not have had the courage to confront Fred Phelps and his inbred gang by myself without Lance. I also would not have developed my level of activism without using Lance as a role model. So thanks dude. I have never met anyone from these boards in person, though I keep wanting to drive up to LA and meet one of the people from the boards. I'd also love to meet some of you from back east if the opportunity ever arises. So if anyone is coming to San Diego, let me know..k?

Hmmm....that's about it for now I guess...any questions?? Hehehe.

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