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Drew Greyfox


  Let's see, I'll get the facts out of the way first...

My name is Drew Greyfox...Drew is my real name, Grey Fox is my Cherokee/Pagan name but I use it for my screen name too (no I'm not gonna tell you what my real last name is)

For those who have not seen my pics I'm 5'11" tall, 145 pounds, blond hair and brown eyes.

I'm 24 years old (on the outside, somewhere between 12 and 16 on the inside hehe) and my birthday is in July. People often think I'm younger and I love that hehehe.

I have a large dog named Pete. He's my little boy and I love him to pieces.

I live in the suburbs of Cleveland Ohio and currently I work in the auto parts industry. I'm not attending school but I would like to go back soon and study psychology and eventually become a child psychologist. I think it would be very rewarding to work with abused kids.

How 'out' am I? Well nobody ever suspects that I am gay because I just seem to be so damn str8! Just the way I am. So people assume I'm str8 unless I tell them. I'm out to all my friends and my sister. Not openly gay with my parents but I am very sure they know. We just have an unspoken 'dont ask dont tell' thing going on. My obviously gay traits are shopping for clothes, the amount of attention I give to my hair, and the fact that I'm just plain boycrazy! hehehehe

Spiritually, I am Pagan, which is "non-christian, nature based spirituality." I'm a mix of Native American and Wiccan. I sometimes joke that my Baptist upbringing drove me to Paganism hehehe. I don't try to convert people (its against my beliefs) but I welcome people's questions about Paganism because there is so much misunderstanding (kind of like being gay!)

Hobbies and interests? Well I love anything outdoors. I love the summer! Biking, hiking, just being around nature, all that. I'm very nature oriented and 'outdoorsy' and I love animals and wildlife. I'm very interested in Native American art and culture, big surprise right? I also love cars and spend plenty of time and money on my little road rocket. I am very into music, its almost a spiritual thing for me. And I play guitar and write some music of my own. I also collect memoribilia of my favorite bands.

I first met Lance on another board before he opened Crzy House and was one of the first regulars here. He's been a great inspiration and a good friend. I've never met anyone from the board in person but I have made some good online friends.

Well I'm really not sure what else to say, and most of you probably already knew this stuff, but everyone is always welcome to ask me stuff.

Laters =)

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