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Crazy Pple!
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Bored... There is nothing to do...
Mood:  suave
Now Playing: Untitled by Simple Plan
I haven't wrote in a long time... I've been really busy b/c of softball & everything else...

Well, I just went on vacation... We went to Florida to see my sister & bro-in-law... Pat is so awesome... He is so perfect for Meredith... I'm so glad that he is my bro-in-law... While we were there we went to Busch Gardens in Tampa... Me, Pat, Meredith, & Steven went on this ride that is really fast & wipes you around & Pat asked me to hold his hand b/c he is scared... It was so funny... Then they also went on this water ride with us & it was awesome... We got so wet! I had a lot of fun with them...

I also love her car!!! She has a silver convertable mini cooper with 2 black strips on it & a navitagtion system & an awesome radio & leather seats... His car is awesome too... I don't know what it is but it's awesome...

Then we just spent the rest of the time on the beach & everything else... I love the sunset & the ocean more than anything else... & if it wasn't for my friends & everything then I would live there... The reason why we haven't moved there is b/c I don't want to leave my friends... :-(... My mom keeps asking me if we could move but I don't want to leave them all... Otherwise I would because I love the ocean...

Then the last night that I was there I went down to the dock & got a henna tattoo... It is a heart... then we left Friday b/c of the hurricane & everything else...

Then well now I'm back to Colfax & Coach Schutt is pissing me off b/c she is punishing me for going to spend time with my bro & sis b4 they go to Iraq & for Pat this is his 5th time... B/c she is sitting me out & only letting me play 3 innings instead of the 7 I usually play... I usually play the whole game... It makes me mad...! & it doesn't help that Ali sux & doesn't care... But we'll find out how tonights game goes b/c last night I just wanted to punch a few pple & I almost punched the wall... i have to go now... bye

Posted by rock3/crazypple13-ch at 1:55 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, July 12, 2005 2:01 PM CDT
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Friday, June 24, 2005
WOW, i haven't been on for awhile...
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: nothing... the t.v.
So I haven't been on for a MONTH! wow... I guess I would say I've been busy... Well, actually I have been...

The 25th I went to school & same with the 26th & 27th but I also had softball practice after school... The 28th I did nothing & same with the 29th... The night of the 30th I had softball practice from 6-9.. It was to get us ready to have games @ night. The 31st I had my first real game... i was so happy! It was against Winterset & I played the whole game...!

My second game was on Wednesday against North Polk! I was so exicted for softball! We beat them & I had some awesome hits...

Well from then on I have had games every night of the week besides Sundays...

Besides the 4th I skipped the games @ P-ville & went to Lucas's grad party... I spent a bunch of time with Lucas, Brody & Ruthann then... I had a good time... It's the most fun I've had in awhile with my friends... Then after that was over Josh, Ryan, & Ruthann came over to my house & we all hung out...

June 8th after my game against Hoover Tawnya, Brittney, & I all went driving around town & then back to Tawnya's house for awhile & then we we around town & then I went home... I had a lot of fun...

The 9th of June I then left to go to St. Louis... i had a lot of fun... Finally to get away from everything... The guys that were by us @ the game were awesome... they were really kool to talk to.. I had a lot of fun just talking to them... But on that trip I finally figured out that I could never leave & not ever talk to my friends but i even sat online talking to Josh for hours... :-)

I don't want to talk any more... bye... I'm too busy thinking...
Bye, bye

Posted by rock3/crazypple13-ch at 7:02 PM CDT
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
That hurts!
Mood:  smelly
Now Playing: i don't know... some weird music
On Friday the 13th I had to work with Dustin & OMG it sucked... We had a really bad night I got out @ like 2...

The 14th I got up @ like 12 & got online to get tickets for the Green Day concert! SO me & tawnya & all are going! Then I went to the races that's where I met Dan... Dan is really sweet & everything else but I don't know... I just didn't click with him... Ruthann & Brittney was giving me crap about it but they don't understand that... They also kept giving me crap about Davey, Lucas, & Beau but all those are different b/c I did like them @ one point or another... But then they mentioned Brent & it pissed me off... They don't understand that either... Then we went home...

The 15th was graduates service @ church & the kids were so cute when they were lil.

The 16th softball practice started but I was sick & same with the 17th.

The 18th I was @ school & Brittney, Tawnya, Maria, & Ruthann went on the ISEC trip I was surpose to go on... :-(. I was sad but I'm over it... Same with the 19th.

The 20th I worked & then the 21st my sis got in & me & matt went to get her & then we went to the mall & got clothes for grad. Then meet with my aunt & then my uncle was there too... It was crazy... He lives in Canada & haven't seen him forever... Then we went to Jared Gilbert's grad party @ his house & there I saw Bryant Vanderpool... I haven't seen him in 2 1/2 yrs & then 4 1/2 yrs... I could have probly sat there for hrs talking to him... Which is funny since I used to like him but we are now just friends... But it was fun to talk to him for awhile & then we went to dinner... & I'm so sry Cory that I couldn't go to watch movies with you... I got out of dinner @ 10:30 & my dad said no... I really wanted too

Then Sunday was Matt's grad... I just really wanted to cry b/c this is the last yr for him & his class... I'm friends with a lot of them & I still have softball with a few but it's so different @ school.. No Derek, No Lucas, No Bubba, No Doug, No David, No Wes, No Nick, No Justin, No lil Buck, No Ross, No Aaron, I could go on forever... It's so different... Congrads to all, I really happy for ya all but I really don't want to say it but you guys did it..! I really wish you guys didn't have to leave... Then I went over to Dale's & then to Canny's... There I say Tony C & I haven't seen him seen last yr or @ least football season... I can't beleive it's been a yr & I used to like him... It's crazy... Then Monday & Today we had a scrimmage... Today I think I pulled a muscle... It hurts so much...

Well, I should go now since it is 10:25...

Posted by rock3/crazypple13-ch at 10:22 PM CDT
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Pple are freaking Jerks & Biatches!
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: nothing... the noice of my keyboard & everyone elses here in the lab...
Well, right now I’m @ school… Mrs. Giles is trying to give me 2 hrs for not coming to school til 10 yesterday… IT’S NOT MY FAULT MY STUPID ALARM CLOCK DIDN’T GO OFF! I’m serious… Do you really think I was skipping!? Give me a break!

Wednesday I went to church with Maria again & on the way there we sat in traffic for like 30 mins! It was all the fault of a stupid trailer that caught on fire & was just sitting there… It’s funny to watch the stupidity of everyone…

Yesterday morning @ like 5 my mom & lil bro left to go to Missouri & then to Wisconsin… So I had no one there to wake me up to go to school & so of course I slept til 10 & when I woke up I looked @ my clock & then ran out to my dad & freaked him out… He thought I was @ school! Then I went to school & it rained all day non-stop… It was very gloomy… & then I had the last night of drivers Ed…! Yay! I passed... with a C!... YAY! Now I can get a car…!

Then I went home & I swear my bro is the biggest jerk I know! He was going to leave Star out in the rain all night… When I got home she was crying & everything so I went out & wiped her off & everything… Our garage was filled with 3 inches of water! Then he asked me if I was going to stay @ home… WHERE ELSE WOULD I GO?! God, how stupid does he have to be! Then he left & went to Krista’s….

Well, this morning I actually got up on time & talked to my mom & dad & then went to school & here I am… Edgar still hasn’t figured who is going & it is pissing me off..!

Aw.. on the emoticons there is a teddybear & it's hug me... look above... That reminds me of Kristin, Ruthann, & I's club... I'm the founder of the teddybear club... lol, but he's taken... It's all good... She's a biatch anyways so I just feel bad for him... lol, sry Davey!

Bye, Bye now... :-)*

Posted by rock3/crazypple13-ch at 8:53 AM CDT
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Monday, May 9, 2005
I hate pple!
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: nothing just the sound of anything happening in the lab
Well, right now I'm in the lab @ school b/c Mrs. Beast is having us do this gay thing which pretty much I'm just copying... I feel like I'm going to get sick b/c I feel bad & then Levi wanted us to disect last hour.

Well, I haven't wrote since last Sunday...

Monday I didn't nothing like normal, Tuesday-Driver's ed... as gay as possible. Wednesday Maria came out & we sadled up Flame & rode the horses & then went to church. @ church the conned me into doing push ups & try to eat gummy worms @ the same time. Then Thursday @ drivers ed we had a state trooper come in.

Friday we had a dance for the Teen Leadership. I was a lot of fun! OMG! Middle Schoolers are such flirts... Especiall Tom Steel... But he's cute too so it's all good...

Then we all went home & I had the stupid Large Group thing in the morning we all got 3s! We are so bad & we all suck! I hate choior anyways...

Then that night, Jimmy was the only one that raced so I went to a mother-daugther thing with my mom. There I was holding David Chancy Ringer... He is so cute! I love him! He fell asleep in my arms and I love lil kids.

Then yesturday was mother's day! During church I went done to NJ Florals & picked up the 3 yellow roses I got my mom... They are so cute...

Then we looked @ cars for me & we found this pimp Cavalier for me & I love it! It is awesome! I hope I get it!

Then I had to drive for drivers ed & we talked to Bryon for a few mins... Well, I have to go now...! BYE!

Posted by rock3/crazypple13-ch at 1:16 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, May 9, 2005 1:25 PM CDT
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
Mood:  flirty
Wednesday (27) I had swing choir & then school. After that I went home & then to the last night of church… There I looked @ JoAnna McMaster’s prom pics… I loved her dress & then talked to her for awhile. I then talked to Linda for while. She thinks that I should race Dave’s kart! It would be awesome but I would be afraid I’d wreck it. Then Thursday normal & Drivers ED.

Then Friday, I felt so bad for Beau… I’m scared for him… He said he wants to die… I don’t know what I’d do w/out him… NO,HE BETTER NOT EVER SAY THAT AGAIN! Then I went home & I went to work @ 8:30… I worked with Brain Boger, Ellis (til 9), Dustin (to close), Matthew (til 10), & Mary was our manager. Brain @ like 11 decided to walk out & quit… He’s an ass! Which means me & Dusin had to do more work! Then Dustin gave me a ride @ 1 home.

Then Saturday I got up @ noon & cleaned my room & straightened my hair for the races. Then @ 4 I went to Ruthann’s… There ½ hr we looked @ baby pics… aw… Lucas was so cute… TROLL BOY! Davey was too. But Davey had his gf there… She’s a BITCH! Sorry to say that but it’s the truth… Then we left to go to the races… Then Al was there… I had no clue who he was @ 1st. He then gave me crap b/c I didn’t know who he was but he knew who I was… He said “if I am as fu*ked up as my bro he doesn’t want anything to do with me… He’s crazy… They call my bro ostrich... Then Canny & Burns showed up.

Then I went to play catch with Jimmy & Tommy asked Linda & Ruthann how old I was… Ruthann said 16 & he’s like DAMN I HATE THE LAW! Goss! I hate the law too! I like him so much! I liked him last yr too! He’s awesome @ racing & he’s 20… Only 4 yrs difference… Only… But it’s illegal for us to date each other…

Then Davey’s friends showed up… One looks like Joe Dirt & the other one is so cute.. He offered me his coat b/c I was cold… He’s the one I met @ Jimmy’s party but they kept talking about me b/c they kept looking @ me9… But the whole night, I couldn’t stop thinking about Tommy… He just there! He got 1st in his 1st race & 1st or 2nd in his second one.. He’s awesome! He also loves lil kids… He loves Jimmy & is so nice to him! Goss, why does there have to be a law against it…! If only I was 2 yrs older or he was 2 yrs younger… Then Davey’s friend told me to call him!

Lucas is now going out with Kayla W! She’s better than Nicola but still! I still can’t believe new yrs eve! Some one the other day asked if I made a new yrs revolution… & you know what? I didn’t… oh, well…

But back to the guys… lol, the only bad thing about Davey & his cute friend is that they chew & the only bad thing about Tommy besides he’s 20, is that he smokes… I’d have him quit… But usually I wouldn’t say this but I HATE BEING 16! Sry I kept talking about this OMG! I finally find a guy that I like a lot & likes me a lot but the freaking law is in the way! We are so much a like… The only thing is that he smokes… But I’ve had a few guys quit for me & I think I can have one more… That’s the only thing I’ve been thinking about… I was trying to find excuses to go talk to him but I could think of any… Last yr I talked to him a lot… But omg!

Davey is now living with Ruthann! He may go to our school next yr! Probly means I’ll see his friends more… Ruthann kept asking me if I hated seeing my teddybear with a girl or even Lucas taken… It did bother me until I noticed how much of a bitch she was… Then today I worked from 12-3:15. Then went to a bridal shower, meeting, & then driving…

Posted by rock3/crazypple13-ch at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, May 3, 2005 8:42 AM CDT
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
I am so sick
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Nothing, I'm in the lab @ school
Friday we had more MIALT tests... Well, the last one, it was science. Then we (the ISEC) went out & picked up trash... It was rainy & cold & so now I am sick from it & so is Tawnya... Then the day went normal. That night I was surpose to work 10-1 but I took Matthew's shift so I worked 7-1. I worked with Josh for a lil bit but mostly with Dustin & Jor-dan... Aaron also came in & helped b/c he had nothing else to do. That night Jorden decided to spray me with the hose & then he gave me a ride home. Then Saturday came & my mom went to Steven's baseball game & then came & did my hair. Then Brent picked me up @ 5:30 & then we got pictures @ my house & his. Then we went to Latin King & there were a lot of pple from Colfax there including my older bro's group. Then we went back to his house & then to prom. HE KEPT FOLLOWING ME AROUND! I felt really bad b/c I was texting Cory the whole time. & then Brent won Prom King. Jess really looked good. Canny then left early which was crappy. Then we went to his house to change & then back up to the HS for post prom. It was ok but me, Nikki, & Tawnya had a good time... I HATE BINGO! Screw bingo... it sux! Sumo Wrestling was awesome... Then @ 4:15 it was over & I got home @ 5 & then went to bed & then Tawnya & I got up for church. We were ready to fall asleep, Clare & Kristin is so cute... They are so adorable... Then I went home & then we (Ruthann & I) had driving. My stop was lovely... I think that was my only bad thing... Then we went to Ruthann's house & Lucas was just laying there... God, him & Nicola got back together! All I wanted to do Saturday @ prom was go up to him & punch him in his arm really REALLY hard! He is so retarded! GET OVER HER! YOU CAN DO MUCH BETTER! God, I hate her. Then Dave said he missed me @ the race track. Then we went up to the senior citizen prom... It was ok... I was getting tired of seeing Niocla all over Blake though... That night I just went home & went to bed. Then yesturday (Monday) we did nothing... But I had to work from 9-12... I worked with Jorden, Wes, & Mary... We were all wearing the headsets & I swear Wes has no life... He put way too much thought into quiting... Both of them want to quit & work @ Menards... I don't want them to b/c then I won't have anyone to joke around with... Well, I have to go... See you all!

Posted by rock3/crazypple13-ch at 8:44 AM CDT
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Thursday, April 21, 2005
IDK, I'm @ home
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Holiday
Well, it is now Thursday. Yesterday was an early out… I didn’t nothing but I did tan but really I just now have a red tummy & back but will turn tan soon.. Then I went to church were there was the AWANA auction & the Fun Fair for the lil kids, Jimmy & Brandy is adorable.. Jimmy is now going to go to an all boys school till he is in 8th grade, I decided. Then today, another boring day @ school! Oh, MY GOD! It’s so boring besides Bissell & Kristin now think I’m awesome! It’s crazy!

I’m so tired of a bunch of things.. My mom is watching like CSI right now & this 16 yr old just had a baby & didn’t tell anyone & everything else! WHO EVER IS HAVING A BABY @ 16 IS SO FREAKING STUPID! EVERYONE HEAR ME! IT’S STUPID & I’LL HAVE TO PUNCH YOU IF YOU DO IT! OK, EVEYONE ONE CLEAR WITH ME ON THIS ONE!? Ok, now the next thing is PPLE SHOULDN’T HAVE PPLE PETS OR MAYBE IT’S THE OTHER WAY AROUND! PPLE SHOULDN’T HAVE PPLE OWNERS! YA HEAR THAT! STOP ACTING LIKE A PUPPY & FOLLOWING PPLE AROUND!!!

Right now I am listening to “Holiday” by Green Day. It’s an awesome song but I’ve been listening to a bunch of other songs including “Mr. Brightside”, “American Idiot”, “Lonely”, “Look what you’ve done”, & others… I love them all! Right now it is so crazy. I also just heard some of these old songs that are sad to even think about the past.. It kinda reminds me of our 8th grade yr which is said b/c I loved it! Anyone who is friends with me then knew I absolutely loved it, ok maybe I did a few stupid things but I loved it!

Well, tonight I had drivers ed again & I MISSED 14 QUESTIONS! & I was one of the ones who got the most right! That is horrible! Beau missed 19… I told you, you should have studied… Well, then we watched this movie about truck drivers & I knew everything that was in that movie

Tomorrow night I have to work @ McDs from 10-1am with JB & Dustin.. It’d be fun.. Too bad Wes won’t be there! Lol, we had an awesome time on Monday…

SATURDAY IS PROM! OMG! We will all have so much fun! Ruthann is now going but it’s freaking retarded to have some contradict me on everything I say! I said I was one of the 1st ones to know & she’s like “no, I was” omg, who cares?

Oh, during our testing Ashli Goaley walked over to me & handed me one of her senior pictures & an invitation for her & Marcus’s grad party… I liked Marcus’s picture on it & then his 1 yr old picture! He was so cute, what happened? But he thought I was cute when I was in 8th grade & said he wanted to date me during one of the football games he was over to watch it with Matt but Tony C, Paul, & Coop was over there too & Tony & Marcus wouldn’t leave me alone! Lol.. Then Doug walked over to me in 1st hour & gave me an invitation to Levi & his party! It has a pic of Doug & Levi on it & I hung it in my locker with all the other stuff & they are so cute… I love Levi’s picture! HE IS SO HOT no matter what everyone says… lol

Posted by rock3/crazypple13-ch at 12:01 AM CDT
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Mr. Brightside by The Killers
Well, It’s now Tuesday night. Last night was my 1st night of work… It was crazy! I had no clue what I was doing! I closed with Wes & Dustin. Wes’s a$$ is so white! He mooned me & now I am scared for life! He also thought it would be funny to throw chicken @ me & then spray me with the hose & get me wet…. Ha, ha, ha Wes! Well, I got off work @ 12:30! Omg! It was really late & I was so tired today…

We again had MIALTs today… lol Then Tawnya & Brittney are in a fight… Which I’m completely on Bissell’s side b/c all the crap Brittney is saying is so false! It’s stupid… We are not the problem & Ruthann is getting too deep with her but in a few months it will be back to normal with Brittney gone but then again Derek will be gone (which I will so miss him) & Matt will be gone & so will be all the seniors… lol L It’s so sad…

For some reason, I’m listening to “Mr. Brightside” by the Killers & it reminds me of Lucas… I have no clue why… It’s confusing… I don’t know why… But the other day I had a dream about him going to go pick up Nicola for prom & on the way to get her, her got sidetracked & didn’t pick her up & just showed up to prom & had Davey with him & Davey asked me out… It was crazy… I haven’t even thought about Davey besides Sunday when Linda said I came over to their house to see him & when I saw his bday written in on my calendar… It’s crazy…

But what’s even more is that someone told me today that they thought Josh & me were going out… It’s crazy… Then they said that Cory & I were going out… Well, @ 6:15 – 8:40 I had driver’s Ed & Beau & I were talking… I haven’t to him in such a long time… It’s kinda sad… I miss talking to him everyday like we were… Well, I have to go…

Posted by rock3/crazypple13-ch at 10:33 PM CDT
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Monday, April 18, 2005
School is so boring
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Nothing but Mrs. Giles is talking to Matt McKee
Well, I haven't wrote since Saturday morning (midnight)... Well, this morning I went to Steven's game... It was ok, but this 8th grader named Tom, damn he's cute & fast... He's awesome @ baseball & then I went shopping for clothes for work & I got 3 new shirts. Then we went to the store where I saw John Flatz & talked to him for awhile.

Then we got back @ 8 & @ 9 I went over to Cory's. Ellis, Jim, & Berkey were there... Then we watched some UFC thing. It's like boxing & wrestling put together... Then we had the live wreslting in the living room & then Josh, Cory's older bro, got involved. It was so funny & we thought Ellis killed Jim. lol, then we went down stairs to watch movies but these girls showed up with lil Berkey. His gf was like 1 1/2 ft shorter than him...! & they all looked 12 but one was almost 18 & the other 2 were 14. Then we watched National Lapoon's Gold Diggers... It wasn't all that great. Then @ 12:30 I went home & got yelled @.

Then yesturday morning I had church & came home & rode horses til 5. That's why my ass hurts right now...! & then Ruthann & I had driving so I went to Caseys but Kristin almost ditched the car & then came to a complete stop. It was so funny.

He liked both of our driving & we went out by the race track which was awesome... But Saturday night's racing was cancelled & Ruthann thought I was going anyways. She thought I was from the start b/c I went all last yr & she knew I liked it. So I get to go! YEAH! Then @ our driving I went to Ruthann's for 2 hrs. So when we got there we ate some pizza & then went on a walk. On our walk Linda decided to start making fun of me so I started giving her crap about her running... It was so funny, she threatened me to never come over to her house again but I will. ha, ha, ha... I'm evil. But Linda you did start it so I was just following your example...

I now beleive Ruthann when Lucas hasn't been in a good mood. He was not acting himself @ least when I was over there. He usually comes over to me & talks to me or starts cracking jokes & he was like being really, really nice to me & keeping to himself. I think the only times that he has been really nice to me was in Delaware for the racing until the 'teddybear' thing & on New Years Eve & he was still being mean to me. That's crazy... I want his old self back, SCREW NICOLA! She's freaking retarded...! It's crazy for me to say I want him back the way before but I thought he was so freaking funny & everything else, it's a BIG change just to have him quiet & not talking to anyone, it's kinda sad. Well, right now I'm in school during 1st hour after our MIALT testing... I am so tired, I was falling asleep during the tests & then I slept the last 20 mins of the class. Bells going to ring, BYE!

Posted by rock3/crazypple13-ch at 9:46 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, April 18, 2005 4:48 PM CDT
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