Má'ii Deeshgiizhnii
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Má'ii Deeshgiizhnii Family Tree

This is the family tree related to me by my grandmothers Mary D. Teller & Marie Begay, updated 11/10/2003.

Asdzáá Béégashii --------------- (father's name unknown)
(mother's name unknown) --------------- Tsé Ndoolzhaa'í
Dághaa' Názbasii
Dorothy D. Begay
Harry D. Begay
Asdzáá Baah Niseghas
Jimmy Begay
Jimmy Smiley
Neel Tulley
May Benally
George D. Begay
Mary D. Teller
Nelly Jones
Ruthi Begay
Ellie Yazzie
Marie Begay

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