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Do You Really Want To Buy a Van From Someone Who Can't Spell???

The summer is unfortunatley coming to a close and school is going to start soon. Which means I will have more time to update the site like i haven't been doing this summer.

Joke of the Day
This guy gets a job as a bus conductor. A month into the job, he runs over this old woman as she's crossing the street and kills her. He gets sentenced with the Death Penalty and goes to the electric chair. For his last request, he requests ten pounds of bananas. He eats the bananas, and they electrocute him, but he doesn't die from it. Confused, the prison ward considers it an Act of God and lets him go. The guy gets his job back as a bus conductor. A week later, he runs over a line of children crossing the street to get to school. He goes back to jail and once again gets sentenced with the death penalty. He requests his ten pounds of bananas and eats them, and once again the electric chair does not kill him. It's considered an Act of God, and he is released. This guy gets his job back as a bus conductor. The DAY AFTER, he drives the bus up on a sidewalk and massacres over 30 people. He gets thrown back in jail, gets the death penalty, and requests the ten pounds of bananas. And again, the electric chair fails to kill him. As he is being released, the executioner walks up to him and says "Listen, I've been doing this job for seven years, and I've never seen anybody survive three blasts from the chair. What's your secret? Is it the bananas?" And the guy says "No, I'm just a bad conductor."

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