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Canada Rocks

This site is dedicated to my favourite Canadian bands and includes some general info on these musicians, as well as "reviews" of shows I’ve been to, pictures I’ve taken at said shows, etc. I think I should warn you though, that when I say: “reviews” I mean, “To consider retrospectively; look back on," and not "to write or give a critical report on (a new work or performance, for example)." Why I don’t just call them something else in the first place so as not to confuse people, I don't really know.

I made this website because I wanted to gather my concert-going memories, pictures and just plain love for some of my favourite bands in one place. I contemplated making a site about all the bands I love but then realized that it would take an eternity. So, I decided to go Canadian!

News and Updates:
I've added a guestbook! Please make me happy by signing it : )

October 9th, 2004: Pilate have announced new Canadian tour dates. They will be touring with Memory Bank (!) and Boy. Check out their official site for details.
Also, Memory Bank's second album comes out on Tuesday (October 12th). Check out their official site for details.

August 9th, 2004: Well, the Olympic Island concert didn't go terribly well for me, because I felt like I was going to die and had to leave early. I did however catch Pilate and BSS before I left, and those "reviews" along with pictures from the show have been added to the appropriate sections.

Olympic Island, August 7th:
I was right up front for Pilate and BSS, so check out the pictures.