
Becky- sexy girl that I'm going out wit and will be 4ever!

Gary- me!

Daniel- Constantly constipated

Tom- Going out with Chloe

Patrick- used to go out with a dirty whore called tammi hes number is here for phone sex or anything.07986723635

Tammi- dirty whore, slag

Clare- different boy friend every week up for anything except she needs training (prefers girls) here is her number for you people who are stuck a little for girls.07952355993

Chloe- going out with tom.

Laura- "the sex machine" completely mad and from another planet.

Charlie- going out with Daniel but doesn't admit it

Tim- big nipples (i don't know this) was going to pay Chloe and Laura to get off, reckons he got hold of becky yeh rite bitch shes mine!

Ryan- don't get on his bad side! (hosting the Belfair's fashion show)

Mark- skates

Steven- follows mark

Jamie- drinks coke and sits in all day every day playing computer (boring bastard)

Jade- ugly, slag, whore, minger

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