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Pictures in Toronto's lake

Flirting with the camera...

Here I am in one of my first days in Toronto.
That day Vic made my hair looked straight.. Cool huh?

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One part of the lake...

The place where i took this picture is so quiet.
There's a parking lot near there and i remember there was a suspicious couple (lol)
doing i don't know what in a van near Allan's car that day he he..
I'm such a dork...

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The lake after sunset...

Toronto's lake is really big.
I got to know different pieces of the lake all around the city.
This was a different place where we were in the last pictures.
That Sunday we decided to go to take a breath of clean air almost at night.
It was beautiful, but it started to get cold tho..

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I love this picture.
It's one of my favorites.
It was taken on that sunday night.. a relaxing night..

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Vic the model!

*lol* Vic loves pictures.
Every oportunity she had she asked for me to take a picture of her.
I miss her.

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Another view of the lake...

This picture was taken in one of my last days in Toronto.
That day I decided to know the city by my own
so I ran away from Vic and Allan's house.
They thought I got lost but fortunately, i didn't.
Besides, I live in Mexico City and i never got lost here..

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One more...

Isn't this beautiful?
The blue is so blue someone said..
Ok I'm guilty. I just love water.

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Another view of...

Yes, another pic of me in this wharf.
That day was a very hot one.
You can't notice it in the pic but i was all sweaty.

More pics
TORONTO ~ ~ ~ WINDSOR ~ ~ ~ MORE of Canada