Battery Powered Monkeys
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The History of BPM

Well it all started about September 9, 2001. I don't think any of us took it seriously at first. It was first period, summer was over... we were bored. So we decided to start a band... things were good. It started off as a group of four of us... Mike, Sean, Dan, and Brett. We decided on a name... Anorexic Penguins. About a week later we changed it to Toilet Fan... Then Battery Powered Monkeys. We made music... joked around... times were good. We wrote "Nightmare" and "Drunken Dreams".

So things kept going like this for about three months. We joked around, fought, had fun. Brett eventually left to go work at Shop Rite. We made more music... luck was on our side for now. So now three months later it was Mike, Sean, and Dan. We made some music, took some funny pictures, things were looking up. On December 14th we played a talent show... we won.

Things got even better, we wrote more music, finished old songs. Then in January of 2002 we made our first CD... Tragedy Of A Common Man... we were happy. On February 8th we played our first real show down in Rye. We're getting some where. Well we wrote more songs, cheeseburger becomes a BPM saying, cheesy bread, funny hats, fighting, Bill's car, music. Well this went on for about six months. New songs, newer sound, more fun.