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Ok people you have all heard me talking about Naruto! Well now you guys can finally get information on the show and all the
characters and stuff. Please just check it out, it'z a good show even though...
WHEN IT COMES OUT IN AMERICA THEIR GONNA TAKE OUT ALL THE BLOOD!(LOL).Which ever idiot voted yes to American censorship
sucks ok. I mean japanese kids get to watch all the blood and stuff why can't american kids? Huh? Exactly,
I mean just by the news you frighten little kids, what's blood gonna do nothing! Every kid will see blood eventually why not fake blood?!??

Ok.. now that thatz over the point of this lynk. Below are
bios of all the charectars ok..I may not have all of them but I'm working on it.

9/11/05 Naruto came out in America..but it sux total ass..the voices are so messed up and in the
future their gonna screw up some of the characters sexuality. But that's like some of the
main story of it, atleast they didn't get rid of sexy nojitsu.

Oh! And if you wanna know my favorite character itz gaara.. no it's not for the looks.. it'z his power!
Read more bout it when I put him up.


Abumi Zaku