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These pictures are in the process of being enlarged so that they are easier to see. Only a few of these pictures have been enlarged.

Pictures from Mt. Kenya:
  • Herd of eland on Mt. Kenya
  • Lake Michaelson
  • The cliffs around Lake Michaelson
  • Shot of Mt Kenya’s summit from afar
  • A place on Mt. Kenya at approx. 13,000 ft
  • A small point on Mt. Kenya after a hailstorm
  • The point next to the marsh camp
  • Pt. Lenana, approx. 16000 ft
  • The beautiful sunrise from the base of Pt. Lenana
  • The view from the base of Pt. Lenana

    Miscellaneous pictures from Kenya:
  • Chai farms near Mt. Kenya
  • African farmers across the street from the expensive Curio shop
  • The pack: first my enemy, then my friend

    Pictures from the coast:
  • One of our boats, the Foza
  • The sunset at Kipungani
  • The interesting town of Lamu
  • Another shot of Lamu
  • The town of Matandoni, where most of our sailors were from

    Animals in Tanzania:
  • The Ngorongoro Crater, where we saw tons of animals
  • Baby elephant
  • Elephant in Tanzania
  • Elephant baby
  • Elephant close encounter
  • Extremely cute baby elephant
  • One elephant
  • More elephants
  • Lots of elephants
  • Even more elephants
    Had enough elephants??
  • My favorite picture, a giraffe I like to refer to as Fred
  • Lots of giraffes
  • Giraffes and one of our safari vehicles
  • Tiny monkey in the Ngorongoro Crater
  • Hyenas on the Serengeti
  • Ostriches on the Serengeti
  • Warthogs on the Serengeti
  • Zebras on the Serengeti

    In Tanzania: Oldonyo Lengai and the surrounding countryside
  • Lyric and me with some Maasai boys (Thanks, Lyric, for the pictures :)
  • Bomas near Oldonyo Lengai
  • The Maasai town near Oldonyo Lengai that Samwell was from
  • The rumbling cave atop Oldonyo Lengai
  • Newly hardened lava atop Oldonyo Lengai
  • Oldonyo Lengai, the Mountain of God
  • Two peaks on the summit of Oldonyo Lengai
  • Steam coming out of Oldonyo Lengai
  • More steam

    Miscellaneous Tanzania:
  • Habiscus flowers at Sammy’s hotel in Tanzania
  • Me at Olduvai Gorge
  • Me in the tent I shared with Dan, Lyric, and Stephen
  • The tent I shared with Dickson and Stephen
  • Yellow acacias in the Acacia Forest

    Some of the wonderful people in the group:
  • Daisy watching the Eland on Mt. Kenya
  • Dickson, Frankie, me, Laurie, Lyric, and Dan atop Oldonyo Lengai
  • Dickson and Muthoni at Olduvai Gorge
  • Dickson and Stacy in the Acacia Forest
  • Hiking group: Dickson, Stephen, Stacy, Daisy, and Justin
  • Jim (and his cool pants), Lyric, Mike G, Stacy, and Laurie at the Milimani Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya
  • Jim atop Oldonyo Lengai
  • Joshua and Dickson in the Milimani Hotel
  • Julie, Laurie, TJ, and Jim atop Oldonyo Lengai
  • Lyric, me, and Daisy in the Milimani Hotel
  • Lyric, Stephen, Rachel, Samwell, me, Peter, Frankie, and Daisy in Tanzania
  • Muthoni atop Oldonyo Lengai
  • Peter, me, Stephen, Dickson, TJ, and Mithoga atop Oldonyo Lengai
  • Peter, Stephen, and Samwell on Oldonyo Lengai
  • Samwell and me sitting on hardened lava
  • Stephen, Mithoga, Muthoni, and Gichuru on the Oldonyo Lengai cave
  • Will and Joshua in the Milimani Hotel
  • Almost everyone in the Amsterdam Airport (thanks Stacy for the picture)

    Some of Laurie's Fabulous Pictures:
  • Samwell during the first goat roast
  • Our group visiting a Datoga family
  • Frankie and Laurie
  • The Tembo group (which I was not a part of) prepares to head to the mountain
  • A beautiful Maasai girl
  • Ostriches on the savannah
  • Mini-Maasai women
  • A lion we got really close to!
  • One of the soccer matches at the coast which we of course won
  • Laurie and some Maasai warriors
  • School girls
  • Wildebeests
  • Zebras

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