
The Blinking Eyelids Are:

Jason - Vocals, Website, Lyricist

Solomon - Vocals, Drums

Patrick - Vocals, Lyricist

Assisting Blinking Eyelids Management Includes:

Sean - Brow Project Manager/Flash Site Format

Ben - Graphics Designing for the Brow Project

Mike - Video Directing

Edwin - Marketing Manager

The Blinking Eyelids began as an innocent project.  In the winter months of 2002 and early 2003, a semester project was brought upon Jason for his HTML class.  Since his friend Solomon had a recording studio, why not make a fake band / fake album website for this project?  They originally had about five or six actual songs to record onto this album (one of them being Funeral).  However, because Solomon was the only person in the group with musical talent, the Blinking Eyelids found it very difficult to record these songs.  After about 20 minutes, Jason said, "---- it, lets just freestyle the whole album."  Solomon and Pat quickly agreed, but Jason explained he meant freestyling rock songs, not rap.  Solomon and Pat thought this was a dumb idea since freestyling rock had never been done, and it just sounded stupid.  So Pat and Solomon suggested that they freestyle rap the whole album, and everything took off from there.  Because the first album was completely freestyled, the quality songs are few and the mistakes many, yet it was still worth it.   For the second album, the Blinking Eyelids decided to write most of the songs beforehand, to ensure a better, funnier, album.  They would not forget their roots, however, and they're reserving Tracks 12-16 on their upcoming album for freestyling.   After recording a few of the demos for the upcoming album, the Blinking Eyelids decided, now that they had discovered their "talent", that it was time to get some fans.  So a major promotion-campaign is currently underway, and the Blinking Eyelids will do whatever it takes for exposure (the news section describes a classic example of this).  It is now only a matter of time before the studio online release of the second album..