Blank Slate Basement

garageband site . smalltown stereo . photos . the band . lyrics . shows
contact . guestbook


Hey all. You haven't heard from us in a while, and you may think we've just forgotten about the whole band thing, but we're still working here to get that demo cut. I know some people may be saying "eh, they'll never do anything", but trust me folks, once we get it all worked out, we're going to be rocking! We're working on a new song titled "Sorry Dad" which should be finished in a week or two depending on how much work we get done. Pretty soon I'll be posting new song lyrics so that way you guys have some new stuff to check out. If there's anything else that you think would interest you like a Band of the Month thing, or anything like that, please let us know! But try and keep your eyes open for us, and we'll be sure to make it worth your while!

Hey Folks. I know it's been awhile, but the band is taking a small break due to Chad and my heavy schedules. They're hard to keep, but have to be done before we can rock out. A couple weeks ago we played a one-fan show for Geoff from Smalltown Stereo to get some pointers. Hopefully, if all goes right, the band will be practicing and going into the studio in the next few months to cut a demo cd. Once we have that done, we'll be practicing and getting ready for shows. This summer ought to prove to be a good one, since it'll be our last summer together. After all, we are seniors, but who knows, you may still see us doing shows during those summer months as well. But until then, try and keep close attention to what we're doing for you!

Hey people from all over, Blank Slate will be playing an upcoming party this saturday. If we invited you, you're in for a great show, if we didn't, sorry but we were allowed to invite only so many. The party is for a suprise birthday, so we can't say who it is for. I'm guessing the person it's for doesn't even know this site exsists, but just to keep it safe, please don't tell we're even playing. Also, the band was offered a gig in Port Huron, but due to scheduling conflicts (i.e. the party), we're going to try and set up another time to play with the band who offered us the gig. The big change that has come to Blank Slate will be announced when the band decides it is the right time. So keep your eyes and ears peeled. Peace chills.....

Hello everyone. I know this hasnt' been updated in a while, but I'm updating it now in hopes of getting more of you to consider us. There are rumors we will be playing a birthday party, but I can't say for who, or when, because a)It's a secret, and only invited people are allowed, b) who knows if the birthday person knows that we're going to be playing. So keep it on the down low. We'll keep you guys informed about it. Again, if you want us to play a party, let us know! We're more than willing to play for free. Plus, we have a few new songs in store for everyone. And, a drastic change may be coming to Blank Slate....stay tuned for details....

Hey Y'all! How are you all doing this fine day? Well, blank slate has some good news for you. We're OFFICIALLY scheduled for the studio monday. We've been having some trouble getting schedules lined up in order to get in, and we've found a day! So keep your eyes peeled on our site, in order to see those new songs! We also wrote a really cool new tune, that has a ska feeling to it. It should be a good one, so I'll have that on the lyric page soon. I haven't heard from any of ya in a while on the guestbook. It's come down to david and I replying back and forth. We need some entries to make us feel important! So even if you just leave an entry that says hi, that'd be great.... Anyways, keep eyes peeled for us.

hey All. I just added "From Me To You" to the songs in the list on the lyric page. Be sure to go check it out, and let us know what you think. We're going to be getting in contact with the studio very soon on our next recording day. We're hoping to be able to get a few more songs at least online for you all. Also, I've talked to some people about throwing a party. If that's you, do it! If not, do it! We need some shows to play. I'm getting bored, chad's getting more hours at work than he should be (illegal child labor!) and david......well, I won't tell you what he does when he's bored. Anyways, get us off the couch and on the stage. Don't let your party be a dud! We'll make it the one everyone is talking about for........hours.....or perhaps even days!!! Anyways, I'll talk to you all soon! Take care.

Hey people. We have some new songs for you. "From Me To You", and "Life In Short" are going to be some major songs on the CD. Be sure to check us out at some shows....when we get them..... (ouch). Dangit people, this is summer!! Why are you not partying??? If you are having a party, we want to play! Heck, we'll pay YOU in order to play. Okay, so we wouldn't really pay, but we'll play for little, or free. So set up those parties people, tell the parents to go away for vacation. Anything. And if you know of upcoming shows, or places to play, LET US KNOW! We want gigs badly. Alright all, have a good one, and get us some gigs!!!

We've got news and other events for you folks! First off, we've written a few new songs, which will be ready for our shows. And those of you who don't think we'll ever play any shows, well, we went to Rock Harbor Cafe. We'll be playing there soon. Hopefully on the same bill as Smalltown Stereo. So we'll keep you all updated for that. Our new songs will be interesting for you guys to hear. It's right in line with our style. The tenative titles are "To the Pen from my Hand", and "Life In Short". So keep up with that folks! That's all for now!

Folks, are you in for a treat. David is home. I talked to Chad, (not only did I talk to him, but I HUNG OUT with him!) We're going to be practicing and trying to get together a few more songs, and pretty soon you'll see us all over. Chad and I will more than likely be doing open mic night at the Theater Bar (next to where the Grand Haven Theater downtown used to be) probably a week from this monday. So be sure and come out to see us play! Other than that info., all of you have a great summer until I or we talk to you again! And dave.....keep your nose out of that porn!!!