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This is a site for the Beryllium community: the projects of former Beryllium members

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on that point; grassroots did release that ep in August, self-titled; Michael Allen, the lead singer would gladly vend copies to anyone who would email him at In other news, A Utopial Imperfection, the vocalist's (Whale) band will start recording for Unearthed and hopefully a debut ep later this month. Cheers. - Whale


i havn't been here for more than half a year, i decided to return in much glory and colours, much rejuvinated by overly wild eccentricity; i'd like to report that former beryllium guy, james zarate-tobin is starting to record his album which he will use as a demo when he tours around Europe next year. on that subject; Beryllium did break up when i left you in earnest that 30th of March and now the members plus 2 more of James' cronies are James' support band (it's called some other weird element; no, not beryllium) for this album and for live stuff. Until next time; i'd like you to visit, which is the location for my band which has an entirely different direction to beryllium; (think Tool, A Perfect Circle, Deftones, The Butterfly Effect and Cog rolled into one badly with some originality dumped on top), and i'd also like you to look out for James Zarate-tobin (or James Smith, whatever he calls himself) and help him lead the life of a muso. -whale


grassroots, Whale's brother's band. is soon to be releasing an extremely good EP.

A huge amount of crap has happened since the last entry. For one, Pat Hunt has left the band replaced by Tom Buggey on drums and Andrea Nascatali has joined as another guitarist. However, there has been some conflict between band members and after being asked to by James, co-frontman Marcus Whale has agreed to leave the band. As a result Beryllium is taking 3 months off. This time will be used to reflect on themselves and write a few songs together.


Welcome to a newly made over Beryllium site. Unfortunately, some of the directories aren’t set up yet.-whale