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August 9, 2003 Reunion Pics

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Berkeley High School PARADE PLANNED October 11, 2003

The demolition of BHS will be early in 2004.The final days of our school are near..Oct 11th, 2003 will be the last homecoming for BHS.  ALL ALUMNI are asked to come and support. Mrs. Lehmuth, the BHS secretary, has asked that everyone contact the school (314-506-9800) and give your new address and numbers so she can send you the plans for that day. Many classes have already gotten together to plan events for that day, and be part of the final parade. The BH school number is 314-506-9800.

To get the email address of those not available below contact
Alexander, Robert   
Bartels, Donna   
Betz, Matthew   
Bever, Theresa   
Blakeley, Dan   
Boyd, Mary   
Boyd, Maureen   
Brooks, Steve   
Butts, Debbie   
Clark, Gail   
Climer, Linda   
Crooms, Raymond   
Dallavalle, Diane
Dalton, Dave  
Davis, Jacque   
Deluca, Theresa   
Diblasi, Angela   
Dingman, Stephen   
Dunn, Bert   
Farhner, Rebecca   
Franks, Mary (Mae)   
Gorman, Susan   
Gray, Dennis
Gulbransen, George   
Hall, Brenda   
Haller, John
Hayes, Robert   
Henry, Henry   
Herrmann, Charles   
Hodges, Cheryl   
Hodges, Cheryl   
Holmes, Robin   
Huke, Kim   
Hull, Patricia   
Hull, Patricia   
Ijames, Damon   
Jenkins, Mark   
Jones, Chris   
Juergens, Christie   
Keller, Shawn   
Kendall, Dave   
Krisher, Frank   
Lauer, George   
Leiber, Susan   
Lombardo, Mary   
Looney, Cathy  
Luehrs, James   
McGinnity, Colleen   
Miesner, Donna   
Mills, Warren   
Montgomery, Ann   
Morrison, Tywanta   
Norris, Carol   
O'Day, Mike   
O'Neill, Patrice   
Oglesby, James   
Penfield, Norval   
Pogue, Joyce   
Price, Paul   
Prouhet, Michael   
Pyles, Michael   
Rich, Richie   
Rowe, Sarah   
Rowe, Sarah   
Stabenow, Randy   
Stewart, Joseph   
Stockton, Raymond   
Stoddard, Kim   
Strutman, Robert   
Styers, Michael   
Terhune, Susan   
Thompson, Stephen
Vreeland, Mark   
Warth, Pam   
Wester, Ronald   
Wharton, Amanda   
Williams, Lana   
Young, Celeste   
rmarschel, mary
Mangan, Steve