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~~ BaBeGrUl5~~

here is a lil 411 on me :)

At times there are certain feelings that u
can only feel from ur mate like in everything and in every angle
... U feel it for its in u...
Like u see ur perfection with in it ...
Feel how tender and lingering it is ...
See how wonderful and ugly it is
Touch how hard and soft it can be ...
Taste how bitter and sweet it should be
... *XoXo**
Listen to the rythmes and rhymes it makes ...
Read the lyrics how imagining and inspiring
takes u ...
Tears to know how painful and great u can
be ... **XoXo**
But life just seems so unjust It takes away
watever eases u , makes u happy , makes u get a life
again ...
And we say well its the end but
Rather its only the beginning of it ...
We love we get hurt
We love again and get hurt
And we love but deeply
And more maturely ...
Cuz this time we learn to give love and hope
And wait nothing in return but only happinness
and faith

feelings of love and lust
does it ever exist
r there feelings
do dead feelings rise
i heard someone who always said feelings is wat comes
from inside you towards the other...
i wished this was true
i hope one day i would find feeling...
i hope i would find the faith to touch it and own it....
but do they really exist......

love i desire love i need
love i feel
i need you
just as you told me the fire of love comes all over
desiring for one touch
one love feeling
one affection
i need you in a whole
i need you with in every part
for inside i yearn for you
i need you everywhere
for here i need to feel you all over
i need you now
for i want be cuddled in your arms
i need you forever
you desire me as i do for you
but if distance keep us apart ....
if destiny wont bring us together.....
if life wont imply us forever.....
if tomorrow never comes........
if now will ever stop........
if time will ever tell.......
but my passionate desire for you wont ever end.. for i need you here and now.....
i love you

I need you to guide me,
In the right direction.
I want you to be there,
When I need protection.
I need you to trust me,
With each and every choice.
I want you to be ready,
To hear my voice.
I need you to help me,
Through the tough moments.
I want you to be near
, To repair my dents.
I need you to hold me
, When I need to be loved.
I want you to be around,
When I get shoved.
I need you to be my mom,
For the rest of my years.
I want you to be with me,
With or without tears.

When I'm with you,
eternity is a step away,
My love continues to grow
with each passing day.
This treasure of love,
I cherish within my soul
, How much I love you...
you'll never really know.
You bring a joy to my heart
I've never felt before,
With each touch of your hand
I love you more and more.
Whenever we say good-bye,
whenever we part,
Know I hold you dearly
deep inside my heart.
So these seven words
I pray you hold true,
"Forever And Always
I Will Love You."

Before i end this webpage i wanna say something about my man hehhe every time i talk to him i think am really special different from all other girls cuz he is the sweetest man i ever knew and i love so much i just can't find and words that would explain what i wanna say but all i can say that i love him so much

i wanna give a little shoutout to all my friends

Mercedes: Sarah
thanks for stoping by alright??? ..:) i hope u liked wut u saw..laterzzzzz ** muah***** if u like it im me or email me