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The Attic Banned is:
Nick Newton: Guitar / vocals
Colin Barbera: Bass / vocals
A.J. Ernest: Drums / Mad props



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we have a guestbook! whoo! talk trash!

hey everyone it's me joaquin. i just got back from roswell where i saw hostile takeover and the eden catastrophe and damn was it fun. everyone should get a copy of the hostile takeover demo, it fuckin' rules. the big show is coming up on saturday the 27th, with hostile takeover, the ithica episode, the eden catastrophe, abandon all hope and tons more, you should go just to show love for joel who is playing his last show with AAH also if you go pick up the new transmission magazine you will see an article about TAB in the nm showcase! haha nice!

so what's up yall? the boys were just in the studio with alex rose from june records they recorded 29 songs! sheesus! if you can, you should get your band to record with alex he's a badass, and handsome! we have some shows coming up so keep your eyes peeled. - xjoaq joaqx