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The writing contained within has not been
edited and may contain incomplete sentences,punctuation
errors and incorrect grammer.The themes expressed may be
controversial and could be considered offensive to others.

Squeamish individuals or those uncomfortable with progressive
thought are advised to keep their distance.*wyked grinz*


Well,if you have made it here you probably have a curiousity
on who indeed I may be..My name is Zachary Howard*bows*I'm 6'2 175
mysterious blue eyez/dark sleek hair..{What to say}Well what is there
to say??I love life to the fullest,and all thee adventure n drama
that comes with it..A huge majority of my personnality runs deep..
Meaning one can't expect to to know me with just a chat or two..

Things I may occupie my time with would be writing,singing/songwriting
and just kickin back with the guys playin n pickin a few original tunes.
I also enjoy free-style motorcross,golfing,basketball,-N- football..
I also like to drag race as well*given the competition*I'm not to good
on explaining myself..Because personnally,I tend to believe words mean
nothing stacked up to the pleasures in which action can bring*EG*If
there's more in which any of you would like to get to know n soforth..
Feel free to give me a holler..Enjoy!!*g*

Musical Favorites- Led Zepplien*All time favorite*Lynyrd Skynyrd,
Guns-N-Roses,Metallica,Alice-N-Chains,Seven Mary Three,Silverchair,
Finger Eleven,Oleander,Fuel,Creed,Puddle of Mudd,Staind,Life of Agony,
Godsmack,Taproot,Stereomud,Sevendust,Pearl Jam,Stone Temple Pilots,
Incubus,Smashing Pumpkins,A Perfect Circle,& Bush..*just to list a few*

turn ons-Purity,sense of awareness,good teeth,long legs,Julia Roberts*L*
open mindedness,a sense of wyked andventure,not being afraid to step
out onto the ledge*shrug*Hell we may even jump if you'd like*g*
Intelligence,brunettes*has a look through-out the spaces*And of'course
*arches a brow*Melissa!!*huge hugs n feverishly earth binding kisses*

turn offs-Hippie chicks,hello that error has passed*nods*Conceitedness,
when in fact*shrug*your not all that!!*EG*Tight clothing,when it just
does NOT work on You,damn*L*Tacky women,laziness (I wouldn't just want you sleeping all day)Women that don't take the time out to keep themselve up..Greedy women,for if you ever notice..You always finish last*g*So,if indeed you carry this trait,I would break that cycle if I were you.. Basically if you just can't be at eas,and let it all hang out in a
comfortable sense,then you are wasting both our times*shrug*

Pevs-When someone/anyone(bud/friend)Greets me by slapping me on the back, and saying something along the lines(Hey man,what's goin on)That runs through me..Clowns(evil)Cats(Demons in disguise)When someone plays and annoyingly scraps a ballon(just wants to bust it already)My toes(don't ask) Wanna-be's(just be yourself already,fuck)Daylight(thinks everything should take place in the dark)*EG*Last but not least..Society as a whole,and the people gullible enough to fall within it's web*nod*