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**Andrew's Website!**

                                    this picture is me and my girlfriend her name is Brittany!


okie this is the part where I am suppose to talk about all my friends well okie loll but I am sorry if 
I don't add u all in here just tell me if u want in here



*Brittany you are my best friend that I love very much and I don't know what I would do without you!

James- hay you are my best bud you are the funniest person ever loll We have had cool times together I cant wait till dc its only 3 days away!

*Laura- hay I hope I have helped u in ne way that I could have don't forget our good times cuz liek when we made those cookies that made us sick uhh my stomach hurt for the rest of the night loll and the bottle and sandle lol  

* katlynn c how could I ever forget you ur a good friend don't ever forget the human sized Barbie doll and what u did to it I spit out all my cool aid lmao stay cool cuz

*katlynn and Ross- I hope you guys stay together for a while and Ross don't make katlynn cry ne more lol ttyl

*Bobbie I know we don't talk that often but when we do we have sum bad ass conversations lol

*bonnie- hay don't ever forget about us being playground junkies lol we used to think you could get high off cough drops lmao I cant wait to visit u this summer!

* Mary and Janelle- more good times ahead of us Mary ur a good friend if there is ne thing u ever need to tell someone tell me ur secrets r safe with me! Janelle you too!

*Kristen- I know we don't talk that much ne more but I am dating ur sister lol

*Clint- one thing I have to say to u obsessive lol just joking with ya ur funny!




                                 yes people that is me its not the best picture but it is I Andrew


                                                                lyrics to kool songs


Your words to me just a whisper Your faces so unclear I try to pay attention Your words just disappear 'Cause its always raining in my head Forget all the thing's I should have said So I speak to you in riddles because My words get in my way. I smoke the whole thing to my head and feel it wash away 'cause i don't take anymore or this, I want to come apart. or dig myself a little hole inside your precious heart 'Cause its always raining in my head Forget all the things I should have said I am nothing more than a little boy inside That cries out for attention though I always try to hide 'Cause I talk to you like children, Though I don't know how I feel But I know I'll do the right thing If the right thing is revealed 'Cause its always raining in my head Forget all the things I should have said                       




All day
Staring at the ceiling making
Friends with shadows on my wall
All night
I'm hearing voices telling me
That I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good
For something Hold on
I'm feeling like I'm headed for a
I don't know why I know right now you can't tell
But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see
A different side of me
I'm not crazy I'm just a little impaired
I know right now you don't care
But soon enough you're gonna think of me
And how I used to be See me
Talking to myself in public
And dodging glances on the train
I know
I know they've all been talking 'bout me
I can hear them whisper
And it makes me think there must be something wrong
With me Out of all the hours thinking
I've lost my mind Talking in my sleep
Pretty soon they'll come to get me
They'll be taking me away


hay all i hope you enjoyed lookin at my website theres still alot more i need to add ttyl!

peace out! Andrew

i luv brittany