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December 10, 2004...

Ok. Long time no update. So Demographics was lots of fun. Played with Fantasy Poster. More recently, we just played at Amnesia tonight. Fun show because it was noisier than it usually gets in the beginning, especially with the debut of Hemlock, and then finished with Murph's pop-felony, While I Was Walking. CIS' first show was really great, and hopefully they lost less money than we did at Demographics. Also, MLDM may end up bailing and "The Can" might just replace them at the Interact Variety Show this coming thursday. (Look to your right for details).

Music Club has been approved in HKIS, hopefully that will improve conditions for bands in our school. Be sure to go to Demographics next Friday (11/26)! Milk and Cookies, Kai Hii Kitora, the return of both Struttnik and Subdermal Abrasion, the debut of Oneish, and I'll be playing with Fantasy Poster. Molten Lava Death Massage playing Interact Variety Show and two tentative dates (one in December, one in January) for Allaluminumcan shows.

Date and Time: 11~{TB~}26號 ~{PGFZNe~} ~{MmIO~}7:30. November 26, 2004 (Friday), 7:30PM.
Featuring: Oneish, (The Return of) Struttnik, Fantasy Poster, (The Return of) Subdermal Abrasion, Kai Hii Kitora, Milk and Cookies.
Venue: ~{Oc8[WP4s5@~}116號. Warehouse, 116 Aberdeen Main Rd
Tickets: $35 (Advance), $50 (At the door)

We played in school today for fun. Danny, Danny, and Kev played Wipeout while I danced to it... and then we played SLTS because they wanted us to. Schoolapalooza this weekend. Should-be-good. Too bad about no us. Also, we now have a page at "Live Life, No Rules", a great music site, apparently based around Hong Kong. Still in experimental stages, but go sign up! 

Didn't play Rockit, but that's cool. The festival was amazing. Great stuff, thanks to Justin and all the rest of the people involved in pulling it together. It's definitely something Hong Kong needs and doesn't (didn't) have. Hopefully next year a little more of the local population will go too. I understand that most of the marketing was in English and to an Expat crowd. Still. Great stuff. Dive Dive, 22cats, 5678s, Malfunction, King Ly Chee, Audiotraffic, Kai Hii Kitora- so many more.

We are standby for the Rockit Festival youth set on Saturday, from between 12:30 to 1:30, so be sure to come down. If we don't play, Simple Minded Fools and other great bands will be there for sure.

Show was lots of fun... although cut down a lot because of a time slot change and we messed up a bunch. Some pics and the audio is up.

Correction. The audition is October 15, Friday, sometime around 8-9PM.

We have a Rockit audition on October 10, Sunday, sometime during the day.

Few pics up.

Fun set last night. Neil and Matt were great and the other bands were awesome.

Some more stuff updated around the site. Fantasy Poster at the Wanch this Wednesday.

Finally updated the site after several months. A few things changed here and there throughout.

The last original AAC member Dan Quinn has left AAC (on good terms). Dan Murphy will take on drums for the band.

'Gallery' Updated. Pictures from a jam session and our two last shows have been put up. Also, 'Live' has been updated with Indy Shome's solo performance in Singapore on Saturday, April 3rd.

'Live' Updated. We'll be appearing at a Nirvana tribute session on April 16th to commemorate 10 years since Kurt Cobain's death.

'Live' Updated. We're playing at the Warehouse in April. (Or maybe not)

'Live' updated. We're playing a dance on the 27th, the night before Black Box.

'Live' updated. We're playing the Black Box on February 28th.

Show done. Bassist died, so we had Anto from Simple Minded Fools help us out. The improvised versions of our own songs were less than mediocre, but next time I promise we'll practice. 

'Live' updated. We're playing our first show this Friday at the Warehouse.

Pictures added to the gallery.

Changed the layout. Added a gallery.

Upcoming Shows

December 17, 2004
"Molten Lava Death Massage"

Time: 3:30PM
Crew: Indy (Guitar), Alex Kelsh (Vocals), Ben Gagnon (Bass), Andrew L. (Drums)



Allaluminumcan @
(Updated Nov 1)

Allaluminumcan @
(Updated Nov 3)



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Copyright 2004 Indrayudh Shome and Allaluminumcan