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Kageyuki: I need some sort of dark, complicated plotline to make a manga based on.
MorganLight: hmmm... we stalk yoshiki and we end up stumbling upon an evil plot by the mafia to kill him so they can get his money, but we get to save him ^_^
Kageyuki: lol yeah! we save him, and he STILL calls the cops on us.


The Dictator's Circus by MorganLight. One concert in the life of Aiji from Pierrot. [KiritoxAiji]

forbidden lover by MorganLight. A silly humour fic with lots of amusing sexual tension. [no real pairings, but there's plenty of implied HydexKiyoharu]

Izamism by Kageyuki. Izam becomes infatuated with Teru from Glay, with humourous results. [no real pairings, but lots of funny shonen ai]

Limbo by Kageyuki. You contemplates his relationship with Gackt. [GacktxYou]

The Seconds Before Dawn by MorganLight. The effects of X Japan's breakup on hide and Yoshiki. [hidexYoshiki]


Unfinished... by Kageyuki. A poem inspired by/about Yoshiki. [note: this isn't really yaoi, but I thought it was good enough to post anyway. -ML]
