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Aerosmith Links - Go here for Aerosmith Links

Beatle Links - Beatle Links are here.


Now for the other links:

My Every Day Life:

Lloyd High School - My School

WEBN - Radio Station I listen to

WOFX - Another one I listen to

WTUE - Ditto.

Friends Pages:

Weirdo Zone - My friend Tim's Page

Jimi's Page O' Fun - He'll update it one of these days.

Kayla's Page - My best Aerobud!

Mango's Page- Becky!

Come and Save me Tonight - A story me and my friends wrote


Bands/Groups/Artists I like:

Poison - My favorite 80's band. (Bret is such as hottie)

Bon Jovi - Another 80's band I like. (Richie another hottie)

Def Leppard - Again an 80's band I like. (Joe Ellitiot meow!)

Slaughter - Another "Hair Band".

Hanson - Hey they play their own intrustments, they write their songs and they're pretty decent ones so yes I do like Hanson

Madonna - This is a real Madonna site. Not a porn site.


Other Stuff:

Dana Carvey - This is the coolest guy (that isn't a rock star) in my book.

Dinotopia - Cool stories about dinosaurs (it's a fanfiction site)

Joe Cartoon - Hee Hee Hee

Crash Me - Best to save your work before you go here

Waste of Space - uh you tell me.

Monty Python - They're pretty funny. You must watch The Holy Grail.