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Brainbench certified ASP Programmer

Father's Name K.Nagarajan
Address (in full) 48, (Old No 13), NRN Colony,
  Thirumangalam Road,
  Tamil Nadu,
Contact No. : 091-044-6206832
E-mail :
Date of Birth 27-Jan-1975
Languages Tamil, English and Telugu
Academic Qualification
Degree M.Sc. (Applied Geology)
University Madras University
Class Obtained First Class
Percentage 63.40
Year of Passing June 1997
Knowledge in Computers
Operating Systems MS-DOS, Windows 9X, and NT
Languages Visual Basic, Java and VC++
Web Technology HTML, DHTML, ASP, Java Script, JScript, VB Script and XML
RDBMS MS-SQL Server and MS-Access
Web Servers Used IIS, Apache, Java WebServer
Experience Details
I. Worked as Quality Assurance - Team Member in SGML and HTML Codes from April '98 to May '99 in Vetri Software (I) Ltd., Pondicherry.
Job Details
Analysing SGML DTDS and coding of HTML documents
II. Working as a Programmer from April 1998 to present
Job Details
III. Undergone a Live Project at CHS Solutions, Chennai from November 1999 to June 2000 under
Job Details
  • Client Side Validation using Java Script.
  • Search Engine Using ASP. Searches from database
  • Email System using CDO for NTS. Database connection using ADO. Database is SQL Server.
III. Working as a Consultant Web Developer at Business Pages, (Dave Thomson (India) Associates (P) Ltd.,) Chennai from August 2000 to April 2001(Part time)
Job Details
  • Front page design using DHTML giving a separate view for IE and Netscape (with Java Script).
  • Estimating the browser resolution and giving the view for different browsers.
  • Registration forms and checking uniqueness of name. Facility for deleting the datas, modifying the datas and editing the datas.
  • Search engine-using ASP and Access(database).
  • Automatic Email responses.
  • Number of hits of site using application variables(ASP).
  • Uploading of files using soft artisans component
  • Database is Microsoft Access and connection by DSN-less connections.
B. project)
  • The web site will work in two ways one by using cookies and two by query strings(if browser doesnot support cookies).
  • Online keying of HTML commands and viewing in a separate window.and giving facility for editing and previewing in a separate window using File System Object and main purpose of the project is user can create own website or templates and upload their files.
  • Using VB for creating components.
  • Database is Microsoft Access.
Currently Network Marketing is also added in the Eshop project