Ask Pat FAQ

Update (2/19/04) - I am not accepting questions at this time. Sorry for the inconvenience.

To keep the Ask Pat section organized and less of a task for both Pat and I to sort out and answer questions I've developed a little FAQ for anyone interested in submitting a question of their own. If you have any additional questions feel free to email me. Thanks!


1. Where do I send my question/s?
Please send questions to me at

2. May I submit as many questions as I want?
I ask that you please send no more than 3 questions at a time. I usually send Pat a batch of 5-10 questions each time. And I'd like everybody to get a chance to get questions in.

3. Does question length matter?
Well, I ask that you don't send Pat a whole life story LOL. Please, no more than a sentence or two, as Pat has other questions to read through.

4. I'm going to see LIVE in my hometown soon and would like to ask Pat some questions...
Ask away. However, please note that the question may not get to Pat on time. Also, please be aware that I will not send Pat any questions asking him for backstage passes. If you are wondering if LIVE will ever come to your town in the future please be aware that the band may not even know themselves and Pat may not be able to answer your question, and also why they have never been to your hometown.

5. Is there anything else I should know?
Please note I'll be screening questions before sending them along to Pat, so please don't send anything that may be offensive or inappropriate. I ask that you read over this page and all the questions before submitting. Also note Pat, of course, is a busy man, and may not get to answer everything and it may take time for new submissions to be answered. So also be aware that time-dated questions may not get answered...well...on time. Thanks all!

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