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My name is KRIS. I have no religion. I assume the role of a pseudo-satanic crow. My mission on Earth is to Destroy The Church and Free Its People. I believe this to be my mission because One & I have agreed it is. All I have to complete my mission are the tools Society has equipped me with, Sight, unequivocal passion and patience. I am taking my mission forward one step at a time, but very carefully, and with the utmost strategy I am capable of, because perfect evolution is important to me. I will not slow in my mission. I will not pause in my mission. I will not stop in my mission. I will fulfill It & Destroy The Church and Free Its People. I do not question my irrational drive to do this. I do not explain my instinct. I obey it. All I know is my mission. If any slave of The Church can disarm this Truth with their †ruth, let it be done, or forevermore know me as KRIS.

My mission statement - There are no words I know of to encompass the scope of my mission, perhaps just, let there be light.

· The Church has stolen something precious that was supposed to be for all of Us, The message of Jesus Christ, and altered it to deliberately deceive The People. They have abominized it to mislead The People into believing the message they are receiving is the original and in the correct context, & in doing so deceive and deceive again. They are the great Deceiver they claim to be the enemy of. And what better ruse of the Beast than to lead the hunt for the Beast itself? The Church affects Earth and Its People as it sees fit, self-appointing righteous leaders who propel themselves above The People as Prophets of God, but are simply Kings of Hypocrisy. Every lie is covered up with another lie and these lies with more lies, The Church using everything in its power to control The People and keep them from the Truth. The Church has used and continues to use grand deceit to establish and maintain themselves as the Ruling Authority. (From the beginning The Church has used lies and deception to gain a stranglehold on the Earth. I am against the Ruling Authority ruling by deceit and anything that deceives The People.)

· The Church is the source of the great sickness of the mind that has been unleashed on Earth. A high plague that attacks the souls of the Eggs before they can become Chickens. The plague comes in the form of human demons practicing mass hypnosis to subvert and ultimately control The People in the guise of Salvators spreading 'The Word' (of God) making them sick and unhealthy to keep The People from themselves, and thus deny the Earth, Thinkers. The Church spreads this disease among the populace in colonies and condemns those who stand up to them or think against the grain. It is unchecked mental murder, an efficient bully tactic, and psychological slavery. (I am against that and those whom sicken The People, tricks, traps, or harms them.)

· The Church holds itself up as being a saintly faction of peace and benevolence for The People, a good and virtuous role-model that 'promotes' world peace, end of famine, human rights, kindness, forgiveness, charity, love, and unity, when in fact the correct words for their actions are 'culturing a glamour'. It is in fact responsible for the highest number of mass murders, bloody crusades of arrogance, untold rapes, culture thefts and dismemberment, cruel acts (torture to name one), conspiracies to deceive The People, wars, acts of violence, riots, cover-ups, hypocrites, bigots, racial prejudices, gender prejudices, oppression of minorities, violations of human rights, bloodshed, frauds, money scams, sexual crimes, and losses of Sight, in the name of their scapegoat Christ, in the entire history of the human race. In all the time they have been in power The Church has done nothing for The Greater Good of The People. (I am against Waste, False Idols and the way the Church 'honours' Jesus Christ yet forces its adherants to follow a doctrine in an act of penultimate hypocrisy.)

· The Church supports charities and ads on the TV that depict world famine and starving children in other countries, homeless and hungry, directly targeting the GUILT factor in The People and in doing so subliminally shift the blame from both their faction and the Banks who both exploit and manipulate The People into feeling guilty for the plight of those People, drawing attention away from the fact that the $$$ The People donate is used by The Church to promote The Church in the land where famine has weakened the resolve of those masses, making them an easy target for the Church to subvert the populace of millions for the price of a few bags of rice, and that the World Banks caused this famine ON PURPOSE because the Third World no longer served any economic use. Yet, the Church, one of the most lucrative establishments and wealthiest organizations, overflowing with money, pays no tax. If it were to, it would wipe out 'World Debt' and 'Famine' overnight. (I am against exploitation of The People & One Law for them, another for Us, keeping the illusions of the Establishment intact, and projection of GUILT.)

* The Church sucks The People into a pipe dream reality with empty promises and no substance, and after the initial afterglow, fabricates 'truths' that make The People fearful or guilty for things that never happened, and things they themselves have not done nor should feel guilty or fearful for. The People are threatened with promises of death and violence if they do not accept the teachings of the Church. They are told they will 'Burn in Hell' and 'Suffer for Eternity' if they do not let The Church into their lives, and thus again deceive and manipulate The People with horrific logic-less suggestion. There is no logical reason to join Christianity that is not a motivation of GUILT or FEAR. (I am against Mind Control, Anti-Logic, and intimidation of The People.)

· The Church divides and then conquers The People in mind, body & soul. It segregates them with trivialities to prevent them from ever reaching any real conclusions and they then tread the eternal wheel of philosophy and chaos searching for answers that do not exist, nor need to, fulfilling pointless tasks to prove loyalty to The Church which despises them and could care less for their welfare than it could for taking all their money, and in a sick paradox they remain slaves to The Church. The wheel is turned by a principal of such a ridiculous but sinister nature it is a credit to The Church for its ingenuity, but incredible evil to The People. An invention similar in tangibility to that of money, FAITH. An insidious concept that cannot prove itself or its inherent worth and is used to fall back on when holes in the structure of the teachings of The Church are discovered. (I am against FAITH because it is the one brick that prevents The People from escaping their chains of deception and yolk of slavery. It is also an abomination of logic.)

· The Church is not taxed and resides under different laws than we The People. Nor are we the populace of Earth allowed to remove these edifices of offence. (I am against anything that is an Idol of Christ and the hypocrisy they exhibit concerning the commandment, thou shalt not worship false idols.)

· The Church forces its teachings upon everybody, yet claims it does not. It is a Liar. It has always been the policy of the Church to kill crush and destroy those It cannot enslave. It is no different in the year 2000, except perhaps the blood has been replaced by money. Crafted zealots target people in their own homes peddling The Word of God, such as TV evangelists with such a plastic nature it makes my stomach turn. Blatantly begging for money, in exchange for a few shitty words, and another empty promise. The Church is a disease with no cure that turns otherwise healthy People into mad blithering clones. A wall of pretence has been built around the methods of the Church and from an outside glance it is their intention to appear that The Church is only interested in converting those who wish to follow its teachings by free-will, but this is not true, the Church is well aware that it cannot reach all of The People at once as it used to, so it has cultured a public 'we keep to our own' policy. Yet this so-called policy does not stop their private slaves coming around to my house to stand uninvited on my doorstep, and assault me with their obscene logic-less profanity. It is so offensive to me, it is fate I do not own a gun. Private sectors of The Church have taken over distribution of experience, (GODS JOB) and if they were keeping to themselves my TV programs would not have been censored by the CFA, or bands like Cannibal Corpse, Marilyn Manson BANNED from playing music in a number of world locales. The Church has assumed the mantle of God and is controlling what The People can and cannot do, what is right and what is wrong. The Church are dishing out experience and keeping the Universe in a state of suspended animation, bringing natural evolution to a standstill. (I am against this unnatural act. I am against anything that limits my experiences as a Son Of Earth. I am against the Power of Control over The People. And to deny Evolution is Evil.)

· The Church is set on Total World Domination. (I am against Totalitarianism from such a plastic company.)

· The Church allows only illusionary freedom outside of its strict and ridiculous doctrine, and has created an insane mathematical equation that cannot be solved, of rules and laws to keep The People on the Wheel towards 'salvation', a pipe dream of ungodly proportions. It saddens me to see lives wasted in such a way. The People are given false freedom to create their own beliefs, but all such beliefs ultimately honour the Church. Under the Church, The People are all puppets in complete control. (I am against loss of True Freedom.)

· The Church does not allow The People gratification or indulgence, alternatives or choices. Its clones are taught to project fake compassion, integrity, and sincerity onto all The People whom the Church has deemed 'sinners', (A sinner is a person who is not under the Power and Control of the Church) a derogatory and insinuating term that is intended to make The People feel guilty for what they experience or accomplish in life. The drones are brainwashed into collecting more drones for the Church, by mimicking the exact methods the Church used to enslave Them. The 'unsaved' person is made to feel part of a group by Flockers, made to feel welcome and warmly loved by all, with the grand promise of the prize of eternal happiness with God when they die. . (drones are necrophobic, they are afraid of death with no afterlife) Whatever method it takes to convert the new victim is employed. Yet once converted, the new drone is isolated and considered derisively unimportant by the other drones as they move like a virus to the next victim. Feeling confused in the stampede the new drone starts running on the Wheel from which there seems to be no escape. Like a virus, they move from person to person leading each person on with expectations and lavish promises of happiness but then leaving them alone, confused, and lost, as they all are…. (I am against flocking and those that shepherd The People for no Greater Good.)

· The Church programs its People. These People preach logic-less banter such as 'Jesus Loves You' and lose all dignity and respect for themselves. They crusade together to 'pray' for others whether the prayer is wanted or not. They use thinly disguised black magick and rituals and yet righteously reject any other source of this practice as being evil and wrong. (I am against those deny the acknowledgement of magick after having employed it, & I am against those who kiss the Ass of Christ and speak on Christ's behalf.)

· I cannot touch the symbols associated with The Church without feeling sick.

· I cannot suppress my murderous rage upon entering into an Experience with the Church and Its Peoples. I want to free them but I cannot do so in the immediate present. They have forgotten not to listen, They can no longer see and it is a hard task to guide the blind from the Dragon. The Church has taken their souls and shaped what GOD meant to free-flow, and when this happens I get crazy with black rage that makes blood drip from my fists. I am invincible when I hate the Church.

· It started with stone tablets, temples, then bibles, crosses, now internet and tv... why the fuck won't it end. It is my life to hate the Church.

· The Church has all of the best warriors. I have no army. I am but ONE man. But I AM ONE MAN.

· Everything the Church has done and does, would be fine if it were not in the name of GOD. G-reater go-OD.

· The Church has become the AntiChrist it suggests, Itself. It has the Signs. I have the Sight. (I am a warrior of One and I am against the Beast that has enslaved The People.)

I am against supporting the Church because it is a breeding ground for stupid people, and it is taking more and more people into its charms everyday. I do not want a stupid population on Earth, I do not want lackeys and morons wandering around doing nothing for themselves or the Greater Good. This is partly the reason I also feel compelled to circulate information on my web sites that can be used as weapons against the Establishment. Trying to kill the Church to make the World a better place makes sense. Maybe it will be a better place, maybe it will be a worse place, the point is that I have to try. I hate the Church so very much and what it stands for, and how it can sit their with a smug smile on its face all high and mighty, fucking sitting there all left alone and fat and content while it systematically eats the Ideas of a generation.

Any information that I feel may aid in the destruction of the Chuch will join my list of links. This is all I have to say, But I am always open II discussion if you email me.

Or leave an entry in the G'book.

THE SATANIC NETWORK - Your Gateway II the Satanic Internet.
FFTAC - Foundation For The AntiChrist.
AntiChrist Public Service Announcements.
AEON AL - Alternative Links for the Stagnant Mind.
The Foundation of the Demonic Arts.
Evidence that the Church is the AntiChrist.
ELS code that shows Jesus was really Satan.
~† christianburner †~
Rev. Braedon Scott Robb (Website)
THE ONA (Order of the Nine Angles)
