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When Melissa was 18, she started playing bass after being blown away by a Smashing Pumpkins preformance. Ten years later, Melissa became a pumpkin herself. "They musically woke me up to something that I was looking for"

She first met Billy Corgan when she was 19, when the Smashing Pumpkins were playing in Montreal. Her roommate threw a bottle at Billy and got into a fight. After the show Melissa went up to Billy and apologized on behalf of Montreal. They exchanged addresses and became penpals. When Siamese Dream came out Melissa wrote a letter to the address on the album. She told Billy that she had gotten a band together and asked them if they could open for them when they were in Montreal.

Six months later, Billy suggested that Melissa join Courtney Love's band Hole. The band was looking for a new bassist.

Five years later, Melissa had left Hole to explore other musical opportunities. Melissa worked on some solo work and was approached by Billy to join the Smashing Pumpkins as their touring bassist. D'arcy had just left the band. Melissa accepted and joined the band on tour to promote Machina: the Machines of God This would be the pumpkins final tour. Billy had announced the band would be splitting up. The Smashing Pumpkins split up in December 2000. Before they split, the band recorded Machina II and released it on the internet.

The Smashing Pumpkins provided us with outstanding rock for 13 great years. They will be missed.